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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Invandring Sverige

Invandring Sverige 2960 subscribers    RSS
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YT 3 minutes 39 seconds
Invandring Sverige
Roma beggars Shantytown in Sweden 2015
YT 2 minutes 34 seconds
Invandring Sverige
Immigration Is Killing Sweden's Welfare State
YT 25 seconds
Invandring Sverige
100 000 refugees in Sweden “a mere 1% of the population”
YT 2 minutes 16 seconds
Invandring Sverige
Dick Lamm: How to destroy a nation
YT 5 minutes 30 seconds
Invandring Sverige
40-45% of all muslims are fundamentalists (Western Europe)
YT 41 seconds
Invandring Sverige
Former Prime Minister: No money left because of immigration (Subtitles)
YT 5 minutes 39 seconds
Invandring Sverige
Muslims are violently taking over Swedish neighborhoods
YT 6 minutes 26 seconds
Invandring Sverige
Hijab is a symbol for islamic fundamentalism
YT 9 minutes 20 seconds
Invandring Sverige
Multiculturalism and feminism (Subtitles)
YT 8 minutes 50 seconds
Invandring Sverige
Forskare: Sex nackdelar med mångkultur (Frank Salter)