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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > MetaNerdz Lore

MetaNerdz Lore 442000 subscribers    RSS
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YT 12 minutes 15 seconds
MetaNerdz Lore
An INDEFENSIBLE design | MC85 Star Cruiser COMPLETE Breakdown
YT 13 minutes 31 seconds
MetaNerdz Lore
Imperious-class Star Destroyer COMPLETE Breakdown
YT 14 minutes 55 seconds
MetaNerdz Lore
The TRUE Successor the ISD | Pellaeon-class Star Destroyer COMPLETE Breakdown
YT 14 minutes 55 seconds
MetaNerdz Lore
ad at end
YT 8 minutes 29 seconds
MetaNerdz Lore
This ship plays the most interesting role I've ever seen
YT 5 minutes 59 seconds
MetaNerdz Lore
Why this ONE feature made ShaShore-class frigate AMAZING
YT 2 minutes 28 seconds
MetaNerdz Lore
Tri-Scythe-class frigate is ABSURDLY Useless
YT 9 minutes 15 seconds
MetaNerdz Lore
I unironically think the MC140 Scythe is amazing (and silly)
YT 4 minutes 58 seconds
MetaNerdz Lore
Good, Bad, and Ugly of the MC95 Star Cruiser
YT 8 minutes 37 seconds
MetaNerdz Lore
How did the MC90 shape the future of capital ships?
YT 6 minutes 34 seconds
MetaNerdz Lore
Star Wars Capital Ships: VICTORY 3-class Star Destroyer Breakdown (Fanon)
YT 8 minutes 22 seconds
MetaNerdz Lore
Star Wars Ships: Sphyrna-class Corvette (Complete Breakdown & History)
YT 10 minutes 6 seconds
MetaNerdz Lore
ALL Canon EU Points to MASSIVE Space Battle in EP.9 Rise of Skywalker | Star Wars IX
YT 4 minutes 16 seconds
MetaNerdz Lore
New Republic Commandos ASSAULT Shuttle | Bantha-class Assault Shuttle | Star Wars Ships
YT 4 minutes 16 seconds
MetaNerdz Lore
New Republic Commandos ASSAULT Shuttle | Bantha-class Assault Shuttle | Star Wars Ships
YT 4 minutes 16 seconds
MetaNerdz Lore
New Republic Commandos ASSAULT Shuttle | Bantha-class Assault Shuttle | Star Wars Ships
YT 7 minutes 17 seconds
MetaNerdz Lore
Star Wars Capital Ships | STRONGEST Pound for Pound Ship? | Carrack-class light cruiser
YT 6 minutes 31 seconds
MetaNerdz Lore
Star Wars Superweapons | How POWERFUL Was Clone Palpatine's Superweapon? | Galaxy Gun
YT 3 minutes 57 seconds
MetaNerdz Lore
A Carrier Ship...IN SPACE! - New Republic Vindicator | Star Wars Ships
YT 4 minutes 27 seconds
MetaNerdz Lore
NEW REPUBLIC "VENATOR" | Endurance-class Fleet Carrier | Star Wars Ships
YT 5 minutes 7 seconds
MetaNerdz Lore
The BEST DEAL In The Galaxy | Cloakshape Fighter | Star Wars Ships
YT 3 minutes 59 seconds
MetaNerdz Lore
New Repulic Mon Calamari Star Cruiser - MC90 - Star Wars Capital Ships Explained
YT 11 minutes 16 seconds
MetaNerdz Lore
How the Mon Cals DESTROYED the Super Star Destroyer (Viscount COMPLETE Breakdown)