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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Igor Sandimirov

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YT 11 minutes 36 seconds
BlueFox Creation
Redshift random shading for cloner objects [CINEMA4D TUTORIAL]
YT 58 minutes 9 seconds
Redshift Proxies and Randomness - Cinema 4D Redshift Tutorial
YT 22 minutes 54 seconds
Cinema 4D Tutorials SV
Redshift Tutorial / Camera Calibration and AOV Depth Tutorial
YT 1 hour 3 minutes 43 seconds
Getting to Know Redshift for Cinema 4D
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 7 minutes 54 seconds
BlueFox Creation
Add dust to any 3d model using Redshift [CINEMA 4D TUTORIAL]
YT 7 minutes 26 seconds
BlueFox Creation
Worn edges on metal using Redshift [CINEMA4D TUTORIAL]
YT 1 hour 45 seconds
help4d redshift - sampling
YT 8 minutes 29 seconds
Small Robot Studio
How Do I Render: Ice Cubes (Redshift & Maya)
YT 7 minutes 55 seconds
BlueFox Creation
How to make pattern using redshift for c4d [CINEMA 4D TUTORIAL]
YT 10 minutes 54 seconds
BlueFox Creation
How to use texture maps [PBR] in Redshift [CINEMA 4D TUTORIAL]
YT 14 minutes 37 seconds
BlueFox Creation
Procedural camouflage material with redshift[CINEMA 4D TUTORIAL]
YT 23 minutes 30 seconds
BlueFox Creation
Surface Imperfections and Material blending in Redshift [CINEMA 4D TUTORIAL]
YT 50 minutes 45 seconds
Разбор эффектной Sci-fi cцены в Cinema 4D
YT 4 minutes 12 seconds
BlueFox Creation
Redshift caustics quick walk-through [CINEMA 4D TUTORIAL]
YT 6 minutes 55 seconds
BlueFox Creation
Glitter gold material in redshift [CINEMA 4D]
YT 3 minutes 27 seconds
Imad Mesbahi
Xparticles with Redshift | Cinema4D
YT 17 minutes 29 seconds
Motion Designers Community
Animated shader with vertex map and fields | Cinema 4D R20 & Redshift Render
YT 13 minutes 21 seconds
Motion Designers Community
High detailed tennisball Tutorial | Cinema 4D & Redshift Render
YT 38 minutes 41 seconds
Professionally Incorrect
RedShift Workflow in Cinema4D
YT 3 minutes 48 seconds
Cinema 4D Tutorials SV
Redshift Chameleon Paint / Cinema 4D Tutorial
YT 50 minutes 13 seconds
Great Looking Caustics in Redshift (Redshift Tutorial)
YT 2 hours 35 minutes 44 seconds
Cinema 4D Tutorials SV
C4D / Redshift / BodyPaint / Environment
YT 5 minutes 25 seconds
BlueFox Creation
How to create Iridescent effect in Redshift renderer [CINEMA 4D TUTORIAL]
YT 11 minutes 48 seconds
Professionally Incorrect
RedShift for Cinema4D: Volumetric God Rays
YT 2 minutes 50 seconds
Individually Texture Caps and Fillets with Hidden Selections C1, C2, R1 and R2 in C4D
YT 23 minutes 37 seconds
Procedural Foam Material in Redshift (Redshift Tutorial)
YT 1 hour 28 minutes 36 seconds
Professionally Incorrect
Redshift for C4D Live: Open Q&A and Snow Shaders January 25, 2018
YT 9 minutes 50 seconds
Paras Soni
Iridiscent or pearlescent shader in Redshift for Cinema 4D Tutorial
YT 19 minutes 15 seconds
ТОП 7 технических рендерпассов. Cryptomatte, AO, UV, World Position (PP), Normals, Depth, Multimatte
YT 9 minutes 14 seconds
BlueFox Creation
Quick demonstration of using environment and physical sky in redshift alpha [CINEMA 4D]
YT 47 minutes 58 seconds
Houdini по-русски
Урок Houdini "Эффект сканера в Redshift"
YT 24 minutes 1 second
Stim Studio
Render properly with redshift and Cinema 4D
YT 8 minutes 16 seconds
Create More Realistic Renders With Surface Imperfections Scratches
YT 22 minutes 51 seconds
Creating Hyper Realistic fabric Materials in Corona for Cinema 4d | Tutorial #126
YT 14 minutes 11 seconds
Истерика пропаганды из-за фонариков 14 февраля
YT 20 minutes 17 seconds
You And Me Academy
Simplified Subsurface Scattering in Redshift! SSS...S?
YT 1 hour 42 minutes 53 seconds
Redshift Studio Lighting 01 - Product Shot Tutorial with Vincent Schwenk
YT 17 minutes 10 seconds
JC Tecklenburg
Edge Wear Normal Decals in REDSHIFT - Tutorial
YT 1 hour 9 minutes 48 seconds
Cinema 4D - Фотореализм (+ Redshift)
YT 11 minutes 51 seconds
CG Shortcuts
Redshift Rendering Tips - Cinema 4D Tutorial (Free Project)
YT 15 minutes 51 seconds
Behind the Button
Cinema 4d 2023.1: New Redshift Camera