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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Francis Gilbert

Francis Gilbert 2530 subscribers    RSS
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YT 9 minutes 37 seconds
Francis Gilbert
If we want our boys to become better writers, teachers should stop marking their work...
YT 1 second

[Deleted video]
YT 1 minute 51 seconds
Francis Gilbert
The power of a creative curriculum
YT 19 minutes 42 seconds
Francis Gilbert
Building Beauty - Aesthetic education in the 21st century
YT 4 minutes 57 seconds
Francis Gilbert
Why I write
YT 25 minutes 17 seconds
Francis Gilbert
Ellie Wood on Making Shakespeare Fun by Storyboarding
YT 40 minutes 18 seconds
Francis Gilbert
An interview with Teacher Toolkit: How To Become A Great Teacher
YT 4 minutes 56 seconds
Francis Gilbert
What is cognitive acceleration and why is it important?
YT 2 minutes 15 seconds
Francis Gilbert
Effective teaching techniques
YT 51 seconds
Francis Gilbert
The importance of teaching students the "big picture"
YT 1 minute 44 seconds
Francis Gilbert
The importance of giving teachers free periods
YT 35 minutes 40 seconds
Francis Gilbert
Andrew Old: How To Have A Rational Debate About Education
YT 7 minutes 50 seconds
Francis Gilbert
Reciprocal Teaching: Putting It Into Practice
YT 1 minute 26 seconds
Francis Gilbert
Getting group work right
YT 13 minutes 47 seconds
Francis Gilbert
Collaborative reading
YT 19 minutes 2 seconds
Francis Gilbert
Evidence Based Creative Writing Teaching
YT 7 minutes 23 seconds
Francis Gilbert
Tom Sherrington my education and teaching career pds
YT 5 minutes 5 seconds
Francis Gilbert
Dealing with bad behaviour
YT 8 minutes 1 second
Francis Gilbert
Reciprocal Teaching: How To Improve Students' Reading
YT 39 minutes 11 seconds
Francis Gilbert
Desirable Difficulties by Mike Griffiths