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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > P Gatcomb

P Gatcomb 36800 subscribers    RSS
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YT 26 minutes 27 seconds
P Gatcomb
Creating an aircraft performance profile in littlenavmap and MSFS
YT 14 minutes 44 seconds
P Gatcomb
Little Navmap basics and setup.
YT 13 minutes 32 seconds
P Gatcomb
Flight Performance Introduction: Calculating True Altitude and True Airspeed
YT 12 minutes 14 seconds
P Gatcomb
Aircraft Performance - Calculating Takeoff Roll
YT 10 minutes 24 seconds
P Gatcomb
Aircraft Performance - Calculating Climb rate, time, speed, fuel and distance.
YT 9 minutes 48 seconds
P Gatcomb
Aircraft Performance - Calculating Cruise speed, settings and fuel
YT 8 minutes 34 seconds
P Gatcomb
MSFS and Little Navmap - Finding a positional fix using only DME
YT 17 minutes 18 seconds
P Gatcomb
Flight Simulator Fuel Planning Manual and Automatic
YT 5 minutes 30 seconds
P Gatcomb
Aircraft Performance - Calculating Landing Distance
YT 9 minutes 45 seconds
P Gatcomb
MSFS & LittleNavMap - Finding a fix using DME and a Bearing.
YT 7 minutes 49 seconds
P Gatcomb
MSFS & Littlenavmap - Finding a fix using a running bearing.
YT 8 minutes 18 seconds
P Gatcomb
MSFS & Littlenavmap - Determining wind speed and direction during flight.
YT 4 minutes 2 seconds
P Gatcomb
MSFS & Littlenavmap - Finding a fix from two bearings
YT 7 minutes 48 seconds
P Gatcomb
MSFS & Littlenavmap - Finding a dead reckoning fix
YT 23 minutes 48 seconds
P Gatcomb
MSFS & Little Navmap - Navigating via fixes.
YT 37 minutes 42 seconds
P Gatcomb
MSFS - Multiengine check-ride with a commercial pilot in the DA62.
YT 11 minutes 13 seconds
P Gatcomb
MSFS: Getting started with VATSIM
YT 14 minutes 9 seconds
P Gatcomb
MSFS - Flying an LDA approach using only VOR
YT 48 minutes 17 seconds
P Gatcomb
MSFS - IFR Flight in the Piper Warrior II using VATSIM
YT 26 minutes 32 seconds
P Gatcomb
MSFS - Using VATSIM for flight following
YT 27 minutes 11 seconds
P Gatcomb
MSFS - Landing at a Towered Airport with VATSIM
YT 17 minutes 7 seconds
P Gatcomb
MSFS - Your First Flight on VATSIM
YT 27 minutes 55 seconds
P Gatcomb
MSFS - Your Second Flight on VATSIM
YT 20 minutes 56 seconds
P Gatcomb
MSFS - Your Third VATSIM Flight: Tower Control
YT 5 minutes 39 seconds
P Gatcomb
MSFS - Electronic Flight Bag Connector Apps
YT 26 minutes 14 seconds
P Gatcomb
MSFS - Your Fourth VATSIM Flight: Arrival at a Towered Airport
YT 23 minutes 39 seconds
P Gatcomb
MSFS - Your fifth VATSIM Flight: Requesting Clearance through an airspace
YT 30 minutes 48 seconds
P Gatcomb
MSFS - Your Sixth VATSIM Flight: IFR
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 24 minutes 44 seconds
P Gatcomb
MSFS - Real Flight Planning Part 1 of 3
YT 17 minutes 25 seconds
P Gatcomb
MSFS - Real Flight Planning Part 2 of 3
YT 25 minutes 19 seconds
P Gatcomb
MSFS - Real Flight Planning Part 3 of 3
YT 9 minutes 59 seconds
P Gatcomb
MSFS - Beam Navigation
YT 6 minutes 48 seconds
P Gatcomb
MSFS - Celestial Navigation Introduction and Tools
YT 14 minutes 8 seconds
P Gatcomb
MSFS - Celestial Navigation Part 1
YT 12 minutes 28 seconds
P Gatcomb
MSFS - Celestial Navigation Part 2
YT 1 minute 56 seconds
P Gatcomb
MSFS - F/A-18E Carrier Landing
YT 21 minutes 36 seconds
P Gatcomb
MSFS - Airbus A310 FMS Preflight Programming
YT 17 minutes 14 seconds
P Gatcomb
MSFS - Airbus A310 Autopilot Tutorial
YT 15 minutes 34 seconds
P Gatcomb
MSFS - Airbus A310 Approach and Autoland Tutorial
YT 8 minutes 41 seconds
P Gatcomb
MSFS - Flying bugged VORs in the Airbus A310
YT 13 minutes 52 seconds
P Gatcomb
MSFS - Determining Power settings for Non-Precision Approaches
YT 15 minutes 20 seconds
P Gatcomb
MSFS - Flying Non-Precision Approaches with Fixed Power Settings
YT 11 minutes 27 seconds
P Gatcomb
MSFS - Flying KHFD VOR-A Approach in IMC
YT 17 minutes 17 seconds
P Gatcomb
MSFS - Making your Own VOR Approach
YT 14 minutes 41 seconds
P Gatcomb
MSFS - Making your Own GPS Approach
YT 1 hour 3 minutes 46 seconds
P Gatcomb
MSFS Livestream - Group Fly Instrument Flight from KGDM