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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Faculty of Khan

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YT 9 minutes 56 seconds
Faculty of Khan
Introduction to Nonlinear Dynamics
YT 10 minutes 12 seconds
Faculty of Khan
Dynamical Systems: Definitions, Terminology, and Analysis
YT 10 minutes 24 seconds
Faculty of Khan
Linear Stability Analysis | Dynamical Systems 3
YT 10 minutes 52 seconds
Faculty of Khan
Potentials and Impossibility of Oscillations | Nonlinear Dynamics
YT 13 minutes 34 seconds
Faculty of Khan
Introducing Bifurcations: The Saddle Node Bifurcation
YT 9 minutes 38 seconds
Faculty of Khan
Transcritical Bifurcations | Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos
YT 10 minutes 10 seconds
Faculty of Khan
Supercritical and Subcritical Pitchfork Bifurcations | Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos
YT 7 minutes 56 seconds
Faculty of Khan
Mathematical model of epidemics: Development and Analysis (1/2)
YT 10 minutes 17 seconds
Faculty of Khan
Mathematical model of epidemics: Development and Analysis (2/2)
YT 11 minutes 56 seconds
Faculty of Khan
Dynamical Systems on a Circle | Nonlinear Dynamics