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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Lindsay Ellis

Lindsay Ellis 1240000 subscribers    RSS
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YT 8 minutes 14 seconds
Lindsay Ellis
Transformers and Film Studies | The Whole Plate: Episode 1
YT 12 minutes 32 seconds
Lindsay Ellis
Auteur Theory vs. Michael Bay | The Whole Plate: Episode Two
YT 14 minutes 7 seconds
Lindsay Ellis
Why is it So Hard to Remember What Happens in Transformers? | The Whole Plate: Episode 3
YT 12 minutes 1 second
Lindsay Ellis
Genre | The Whole Plate: Episode 4
YT 12 minutes 27 seconds
Lindsay Ellis
The Problem of Lady Robots: Feminist Theory Part 1 | The Whole Plate: Episode 5
YT 13 minutes 40 seconds
Lindsay Ellis
The Male Gaze vs. The Men: Feminist Theory Part 2 | The Whole Plate: Episode 6
YT 14 minutes 23 seconds
Lindsay Ellis
Framing Megan Fox: Feminist Theory Part 3 | The Whole Plate: Episode 7
YT 16 minutes 20 seconds
Lindsay Ellis
Queering Michael Bay | The Whole Plate: Episode 8
YT 19 minutes 2 seconds
Lindsay Ellis
Marxism! | The Whole Plate: Episode 9