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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > John Michael Godier

John Michael Godier 442000 subscribers    RSS
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YT 10 minutes 3 seconds
John Michael Godier
Shifting Worlds II: A Collaboration with Fraser Cain
YT 23 minutes 55 seconds
John Michael Godier
Uplifting: Animals and Aliens Part II
YT 9 minutes 48 seconds
John Michael Godier
Unusual Stars Part 1: Stars That Do Not Yet Exist (collab with Paul M. Sutter)
YT 10 minutes 7 seconds
Fraser Cain
Shifting Worlds I. A Planetary Migration Collaboration with John Michael Godier
YT 26 minutes
Isaac Arthur
Uplifting Animal & Aliens, Part 1 of 2
YT 30 minutes 5 seconds
Dr. Paul M. Sutter
Unusual Stars Part 2: Stranger Stars of Today (collab with John Michael Godier)
YT 11 minutes 44 seconds
John Michael Godier
Futurism and Ancient History
YT 15 minutes 12 seconds
John Michael Godier
BLC1 Rebuttal And Academic Sources On the Signal
YT 2 minutes 55 seconds
John Michael Godier
Killing the BLC1 SETI Radio Signal Claims