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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Mr Rusty

Mr Rusty 344 subscribers    RSS
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YT 1 hour 3 minutes 54 seconds
karen straughan
...wherein a die-hard feminist vomits red pills everywhere...
YT 1 hour 5 minutes 12 seconds
karen straughan
more red pills everywhere...
YT 49 minutes 53 seconds
karen straughan
Last part, I promise...
YT 48 minutes 35 seconds
karen straughan
Mike Rugnetta, you got some 'splaining to do.....
YT 39 minutes 48 seconds
karen straughan
Hi, Danielle, nice to make your acquaintance...
YT 46 minutes 12 seconds
karen straughan
response to Danielle Paradis, part 2
YT 43 minutes 52 seconds
karen straughan
Is Feminism Hate? Response (finally) to Russ Lindquist
YT 48 minutes 48 seconds
karen straughan
Wake up, Eric...
YT 41 minutes 19 seconds
karen straughan
Dear Megan MacKay...
YT 1 second

[Deleted video]
YT 39 minutes 23 seconds
karen straughan
Channel 4 Jordan Peterson Interview, my thoughts
YT 1 hour 13 minutes 58 seconds
Canadian Centre for Men and Families
Are Men Obsolete? Q & A: Karen Straughan Speaks at Ryerson University
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 59 minutes 34 seconds
The Rubin Report
Anti-Feminist Professor | Janice Fiamengo | WOMEN | Rubin Report
YT 16 minutes 2 seconds
Independent Man
Janice Fiamengo on the Mob Justice of #MeToo
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 38 minutes 6 seconds
A Voice For Men
Erin Pizzey speaks at ICMI16 London
YT 3 minutes 28 seconds
The Anti Feminist
Feminism is a Terrorist Organization - Erin Pizzey on Feminism b y ManWomanMyth
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 28 minutes 59 seconds
karen straughan
Look out! It's a Nice Guy! DESTROY HIM!!11!
YT 43 minutes 29 seconds
karen straughan
No one wants to talk about Anders Breivik....
YT 33 minutes 18 seconds
karen straughan
the perils of an ideological approach
YT 16 minutes 9 seconds
karen straughan
Feminism and the Disposable Male
YT 27 minutes 21 seconds
karen straughan
the tyranny of female hypoagency
YT 21 minutes
karen straughan
Feminist Shaming Tactics
YT 29 minutes 29 seconds
karen straughan
feminism, y'all gotta own this sh*t
YT 28 minutes 23 seconds
karen straughan
are the Vaginas in the house?
YT 23 minutes 52 seconds
karen straughan
To Justicar, and in memory of Earl
YT 21 minutes 6 seconds
karen straughan
Why do MRAs attack feminism?
YT 17 minutes 8 seconds
karen straughan
Those privileged blue bundles of joy
YT 15 minutes 4 seconds
karen straughan
YT 11 minutes 33 seconds
Hannah Wallen
What is feminism? (A response to @antifempraxis)
YT 24 minutes 9 seconds
karen straughan
Men not marrying? How deep does "the problem" go?
YT 8 minutes 13 seconds
karen straughan
Questions women have for feminists and other SJWs
YT 38 minutes 31 seconds
good news..... feminist says " no war on men"
YT 28 minutes 20 seconds
The Prim Reaper
Social Media Junk Food 1
YT 5 minutes 59 seconds
Men Are Good!
What Kavanaugh Should Have Said to the Senators
YT 35 minutes 7 seconds
karen straughan
Hey, Joe, where you goin' with that mic in your hand....
YT 28 minutes 46 seconds
karen straughan
rationalization hamster, anyone?.mp4
YT 56 minutes 26 seconds
A Voice For Men
Rebuilding Men’s Self-Respect After It’s Been Destroyed by a Wife, Girlfriend, Mother and Society
YT 3 minutes 11 seconds
Daniel Bostock
Ladies Rights - Parody
YT 11 minutes 17 seconds
Daniel Bostock
Women, Grow Some Bollocks!
YT 15 minutes 39 seconds
Daniel Bostock
Feminism with Annie Lennox
YT 32 minutes 1 second
Paul Elam
You Can't Make This Shit Up! #3
YT 29 minutes 1 second
Paul Elam
Chasing the Dragon
YT 26 minutes 6 seconds
karen straughan
All those dangerous women-haters!
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 48 minutes 36 seconds
Bettina Arndt
Karen Straughan and Bettina Arndt talk about how feminism screwed sex
YT 35 minutes 41 seconds
karen straughan
me, a feminist? No way.
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 9 minutes 22 seconds
Happy international toilet day! - UN
YT 30 minutes 15 seconds
karen straughan
When female privilege backfires...
YT 27 minutes 55 seconds
karen straughan
"don't be that lying feminist"
YT 48 minutes 26 seconds
the cult of social justice part 12: Go fem yourself part 1
YT 5 minutes 2 seconds
Ben Shapiro Loses It On Feminist Blogger Calling Her Sons Rapists | The Ben Shapiro Show
YT 39 minutes 51 seconds
Paul Elam
Tom Leykis Interview 11/14/18
YT 26 minutes 36 seconds
The Boy Crisis in Canada | Dr. Warren Farrell Returns to Toronto
YT 11 minutes 12 seconds
How to be a Good Male Feminist (TM) | Men's Mental Health 2 with Prim Reaper
YT 8 minutes 51 seconds
Bettina Arndt
Bettina Arndt exposes male-bashing lies in television documentary
YT 31 minutes 57 seconds
Dr Shaym
YT 23 minutes 32 seconds
Canadian Centre for Men and Families
Are Men Obsolete? Karen Straughan Speaks at Ryerson University
YT 43 minutes 55 seconds
the cult of social justice part 2: using false trauma as a political weapon
YT 11 minutes 27 seconds
Daisy Cousens
Why International Men's Day has feminists freaked!
YT 17 minutes 26 seconds
Hannah Wallen
Why I am an MRA
YT 15 minutes 55 seconds
Hannah Wallen
Why I am an antifeminist
YT 35 minutes 25 seconds
karen straughan
YT 13 minutes 12 seconds
Paul Elam
Feminists are Choking on The Red Pill Movie
YT 1 hour 35 minutes 7 seconds
Badger Live Streams
Feminism Was Never About Equality, Why Does the Myth Persist? Bob Lewis - Fireside Chat 67
YT 10 minutes 32 seconds
Dr Shaym
YT 10 minutes 20 seconds
"questions" for men answered by woman
YT 29 minutes 33 seconds
karen straughan
Too dreadful even for Metro...
YT 7 minutes 50 seconds
Paul Elam
My Response to the Southern Poverty Law Center
YT 9 minutes 14 seconds
Dr Shaym
50 Questions for Feminists
YT 29 minutes 32 seconds
Liberation Y
ATTENTION: You want to know why guys are rejecting society? Hear the truth; Male Movement Prequel
YT 38 minutes 39 seconds
Liberation Y
You're not kneeling to worship...What's wrong with you?! MGTOW
YT 32 minutes 11 seconds
Feminists explain how privilege is really oppression part 1
YT 14 minutes 28 seconds
The Prim Reaper
Is There a "Right Way" to do Men's Rights? (Part 1)
YT 8 minutes 58 seconds
Oppression Chat Ep 1 The MRA MENace With Vagalina Humphrey And Simone Von Aardvark
YT 27 minutes 7 seconds
Men Are Good!
You Can't Make This Shit Up - #6
YT 8 minutes 33 seconds
A Voice For Men
The Plague of Modern Masculinity Pt. 1
YT 8 minutes 32 seconds
A Voice For Men
To Man Up or Stand Down
YT 3 minutes 50 seconds
Diana Davison
Cops Not Safe From Sex Panic
YT 16 minutes 15 seconds
Oppression Chat Ep 4: spotlighting some of the best Youtube feminists
YT 15 minutes 40 seconds
#MeToo- The most important video on the internet
YT 41 minutes 28 seconds
TL;DR - Steve Shives Doesn't Understand the Men's Rights Movement
YT 12 minutes 40 seconds
Matthew C.
36 Questions Misandrists Have For Men (Guest Video by SimShane1234Productions)
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 hour 22 minutes 10 seconds
The Propaganda of Toxic Feminism ep 58
YT 37 minutes 56 seconds
@Gillette Get Woke, Let's Hope They Go Broke
YT 7 minutes 50 seconds
Paul Joseph Watson
Gillette: The Best an Incel Can Get
YT 14 minutes 10 seconds
Paul Elam
Gillette: A Close Shave for Cucks
YT 27 minutes 49 seconds
Bettina Arndt
False rape accuser sent to prison
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 2 hours 16 minutes 28 seconds
Circlezerker 56: TL;DR = The wimmins run everything!
YT 1 minute 58 seconds
Egard Watches
What is a man? A response to Gillette
YT 4 hours 10 minutes 11 seconds
Rantzerker 37: TL;DR 36 questions from clueless women
YT 28 minutes 49 seconds
Paul Elam
Regarding Men #1 With Tom Golden, Janice Fiamengo and Paul Elam
YT 2 hours 9 minutes 38 seconds
Rantzerker 70: "Reasonable" Questions for Anti-SJWs w/TL;DR
YT 2 hours 43 minutes 16 seconds
Rantzerker 24: TL;DR: being a woman is hard…
YT 38 minutes 32 seconds
Toxic Gillette
YT 1 hour 50 minutes 12 seconds
Rantzerker 43: Feminism Redacted
YT 16 minutes 53 seconds
The Prim Reaper
Is There a "Right Way" to do Men's Rights? (Part 2)
YT 1 hour 38 minutes 26 seconds
Badger Live Streams
Michael Kimmel's Red Pill with Guest TL;DR - Rantzerker 96
YT 2 hours 24 minutes 17 seconds
Rantzerker 64: TL;DR = women of the world, western women pity you
YT 1 hour 47 minutes 47 seconds
Rantzerker 32: Being rude to women is never okay!
YT 1 hour 52 minutes 20 seconds
Rantzerker 20: Right, right, right!
YT 50 minutes 44 seconds
TL;DR - Why do MRAs Have Feelings?
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 4 minutes 26 seconds
Diana Davison
Reasons why innocent men are going to jail
YT 2 hours 9 minutes 38 seconds
Rantzerker 70: "Reasonable" Questions for Anti-SJWs w/TL;DR
YT 2 hours 43 minutes 16 seconds
Rantzerker 24: TL;DR: being a woman is hard…
YT 38 minutes 32 seconds
Toxic Gillette
YT 1 hour 50 minutes 12 seconds
Rantzerker 43: Feminism Redacted
YT 16 minutes 53 seconds
The Prim Reaper
Is There a "Right Way" to do Men's Rights? (Part 2)
YT 1 hour 38 minutes 26 seconds
Badger Live Streams
Michael Kimmel's Red Pill with Guest TL;DR - Rantzerker 96
YT 2 hours 24 minutes 17 seconds
Rantzerker 64: TL;DR = women of the world, western women pity you
YT 1 hour 47 minutes 47 seconds
Rantzerker 32: Being rude to women is never okay!
YT 1 hour 52 minutes 20 seconds
Rantzerker 20: Right, right, right!
YT 50 minutes 44 seconds
TL;DR - Why do MRAs Have Feelings?
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 4 minutes 26 seconds
Diana Davison
Reasons why innocent men are going to jail
YT 32 minutes 52 seconds
I was a promiscuous teen - an open letter
YT 1 hour 16 minutes 25 seconds
Rantzerker 07: Everything is Problematic!
YT 2 hours 17 minutes 51 seconds
The Rantzerker 02: Eve enters her vagina!
YT 1 hour 30 minutes 20 seconds
Rantzerker 08: We're better feminists than you!
YT 1 hour 45 minutes 56 seconds
Rantzerker 09: The Nasty-ass Honey Badger
YT 2 hours 24 minutes 40 seconds
Rantzerker 49: #ownyourshit
YT 14 minutes 29 seconds
Shawn T. Smith
APA’s War on Masculinity
YT 3 hours 1 minute 41 seconds
Badger Live Streams
Pathological centrism, the polite barrier to reform | HBR Talk 70
YT 19 minutes 39 seconds
Bettina Arndt
Jordan Peterson - Wimping out or treading carefully?
YT 2 hours 2 minutes 35 seconds
Rantzerker 45: Christians don't hate Satan...
YT 13 minutes 34 seconds
Hannah Wallen
An antifeminist's response to Liana K's "Rant to antifeminists" Part 1
YT 2 hours 29 minutes 36 seconds
Rantzerker 05: Anita Pieta
YT 2 hours 12 minutes 26 seconds
Rantzerker 03: The rise of Onision!
YT 15 minutes 38 seconds
karen straughan
Elliot Rodger, the MRM and Detroit
YT 18 minutes 55 seconds
karen straughan
25 men bullshitting about male privilege | part 1
YT 19 minutes 19 seconds
karen straughan
25 men bullshitting about male privilege | part 2
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 46 minutes 4 seconds
Paul Elam
Regarding Men #3 Title IX w/Chris Pekgoz
YT 8 minutes 28 seconds
Independent Man
Experts respond to APA Guidelines for Men & Boys
YT 1 hour 45 minutes 45 seconds
karen straughan
Rantzerker 34: I’ll give you something to cry about!
YT 1 hour 59 minutes 51 seconds
Honey Badger Radio: Ask Karen Anything
YT 2 hours 33 minutes 39 seconds
Badger Live Streams
I'm afraid you're wrong - grievance tactics of the victim identity cult | HBR Talk 71
YT 2 hours 38 minutes 56 seconds
Honey Badger Radio 30: Toxic Femininity? How DARE you!
YT 13 minutes 14 seconds
Sydney Watson
OFFENDING someone in the United Kingdom is now a CRIME
YT 1 second

[Deleted video]
YT 2 hours 3 minutes 25 seconds
Honey Badger Radio: Shit Feminists Say
YT 1 hour 48 minutes 17 seconds
Rantzerker 73: Laci's Problematic Trumpomatic!
YT 2 hours 23 minutes 16 seconds
Rantzerker 23 : No Clemency for Clementine
YT 3 hours 8 minutes 33 seconds
Badger Live Streams
Wrongthink Boogeyman: A glitch in the matrix | HBR Talk 72
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 hour 21 minutes 36 seconds
Fireside chat 38: Janice Fiamengo
YT 3 hours 48 minutes 40 seconds
Rantzerker 53/Honey Badger Radio 53: Laci Green Raped Me (Of My Innocence)
YT 1 hour 8 minutes 15 seconds
Rantzerker 15: Men should just shut up
YT 2 hours 33 minutes 57 seconds
Badger Live Streams
Political purgatory - Prison of the victim identity cult | HBR Talk 74
YT 3 hours 13 minutes 44 seconds
Badger Live Streams
Going Through Big Joel's "The Red Pill" Movie Review w/Karen and Alison | Help Hannah Fundraiser
YT 3 hours 22 minutes 16 seconds
Honey Badger Radio 51: Feminist Phrasing
YT 1 hour 55 minutes 45 seconds
The Rantzerker 12: You'd be nothing without feminism, baby!
YT 1 second

[Deleted video]
YT 35 minutes 7 seconds
Vagina chat Ep 368: rape culture and atheism
YT 1 hour 54 minutes 25 seconds
Honey Badger Radio-Big Sister is Watching You
YT 20 minutes 51 seconds
We're hosting the International Conference on Men's Issues for 2019
YT 36 minutes 40 seconds
Refuting Renegade Cut's "Toxic Masculinity"
YT 2 hours 22 minutes 36 seconds
Badger Live Streams
Don't let me get me! - Anthem of the modern woman | HBR Talk 102
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 18 minutes 7 seconds
Bettina Arndt
Payback for my son's false rape accuser
YT 25 minutes 42 seconds
Diana Davison
GamerGate set the gold standard for MeToo accusations
YT 20 minutes 7 seconds
TL;DR - The Feminist Outrage at Sexbots
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 29 minutes 29 seconds
Bettina Arndt
Teaching girls to fear boys
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 19 minutes 16 seconds
Diana Davison
The New Age Scientology of Feminism
YT 5 minutes 54 seconds
Why is your son becoming a mens rights activist/alt right?
YT 8 minutes 25 seconds
New law in London- Women don't go to jail for stealing.
YT 17 minutes 58 seconds
karen straughan
On men, women and r/TheRedPill
YT 4 minutes 41 seconds
Dr Shaym
50 Female Privileges
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 47 minutes 28 seconds
feminist martyr Clementine Ford demonstrates double standards
YT 47 minutes 6 seconds
Teal Swan Exposed
Spiritual Teacher Teal Swan's Ritual Abuse Story Investigated
YT 6 minutes 40 seconds
It's Not International Whine About Men Day | HBR Talk 109 Opener
YT 1 second

[Deleted video]
YT 1 second

[Deleted video]
YT 14 minutes 25 seconds
Prince of Queens
We KNOW feminists know that feminism's WRONG!!
YT 1 minute 42 seconds
Justice for Men & Boys
'Big Red' makes a compelling case for feminism
YT 4 minutes 21 seconds
Mecalecahi Mecahinyho
Janice Fiamengo speech Ottawa U disruption
YT 43 minutes 58 seconds
the cult of social justice part 17: feminist sanctioned lynch mobs
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 17 minutes 57 seconds
Firefighters: the new face of toxic masculinity?
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 second

[Deleted video]
YT 1 second

[Deleted video]
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 second

[Deleted video]
YT 45 minutes 3 seconds
Karen Straughan - Feminism: Socialism in Panties @NHLF14
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 2 hours 30 minutes 6 seconds
Badger Live Streams
If it weren't for double standards, feminists wouldn't have any | HBR Talk 112
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 second

[Deleted video]
YT 28 minutes 47 seconds
Bobby's Perspective
EX VEGAN Reacts to His Former VEGAN SELF
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 hour 28 minutes 56 seconds
Badger Live Streams
Stunning and Brave Michelle Williams "My Right To Choose Is How I Won This" | Rantzerker 118
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 2 hours 7 minutes 13 seconds
Badger Live Streams
Because we said so! Tale of the Fempire's new clothes | HBR Talk 115
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 second

[Deleted video]
YT 12 minutes 34 seconds
The Reel Tuesday Channel
Veganism is a CULT!!!
YT 2 hours 22 minutes 31 seconds
Badger Live Streams
A tale of two feminisms! Dueling narratives on equality | HBR Talk 116
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 23 minutes 21 seconds
Bobby's Perspective
YT 8 minutes 29 seconds
Bobby's Perspective
Eating Meat And The Bible
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 2 hours 9 minutes 31 seconds
Badger Live Streams
Panel of Women on "The Real" Advise Men of The Red man Group Not to Advise Women | HBR Debate 12
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 second

[Deleted video]
YT 9 minutes 7 seconds
Bobby's Perspective
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 2 hours 46 minutes 17 seconds
Badger Live Streams
#NotAllFeministMen | HBR Talk 118
YT 27 minutes 42 seconds
The 2nd wave hate machine part 2: Bullshit stats
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 2 hours 7 minutes 14 seconds
Badger Live Streams
You dropped something! Handing back feminist narratives on antifeminists and the MRM | HBR Talk 121
YT 2 hours 5 seconds
Dollar Shave Club better than Gillette? Not so fast!
YT 3 hours 8 minutes 40 seconds
Badger Live Streams
Dollar Shave Club's Mel Magazine VS The Honey Badgers Part 3 | Rantzerker 122
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 second

[Deleted video]
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 second

[Deleted video]
YT 1 second

[Deleted video]
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 2 hours 40 minutes 25 seconds
Honey Badger Radio: Feminist Mad Science
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 39 minutes 21 seconds
karen straughan
sex-seeking, men, women and dominance hierarchies
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 25 minutes 5 seconds
karen straughan
Benevolent sexism?
YT 1 hour 26 minutes 17 seconds
karen straughan
My very very long apology to Liana K
YT 29 minutes 59 seconds
karen straughan
Atheism, you asked for it....
YT 24 minutes 17 seconds
karen straughan
for the benefit of Stardusk and Paxxyguerra
YT 16 minutes 30 seconds
The 2nd wave hate machine part 3: Addendum
YT 45 minutes 13 seconds
The 2nd wave hate machine part 3: Louise Armstrong, the shield of female paedophiles.
YT 29 minutes 48 seconds
The 2nd wave hate machine part 1: hand over the dosh
YT 41 minutes 10 seconds
Erasing Male victims
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 second

[Deleted video]
YT 18 minutes 27 seconds
The Prim Reaper
Feminists: How Can We Make the Coronavirus All About Us?
YT 1 second

[Deleted video]
YT 23 minutes 42 seconds
karen straughan
Donglegate: A Tale of Two Innuendos
YT 27 minutes 48 seconds
karen straughan
swordfighting the fart
YT 20 minutes 17 seconds
karen straughan
I'm a sexy woman, so stop objectifying me!
YT 17 minutes
karen straughan
Systemic Gendered Violence?
YT 21 minutes 33 seconds
karen straughan
Those Petulant Damsels...
YT 28 minutes 26 seconds
karen straughan