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Invidious (YT)

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YT 3 minutes 46 seconds
Hope For Paws - Official Rescue Channel
Rescuer races to save a homeless dog in a huge field. Please share. #epic
YT 6 minutes 29 seconds
Hope For Paws - Official Rescue Channel
Brave little dog gets rescued from the river. His recovery with Hope For Paws will inspire you. #dog
YT 9 minutes 7 seconds
Hope For Paws - Official Rescue Channel
Jordan's Journey - The extended version. #dog
YT 3 minutes 55 seconds
Animal Aid Unlimited, India
Puppy rescued covered in tar, watch her happy ending!
YT 2 minutes 44 seconds
Jason Frost
"Catfishing" on the Warrior River
YT 2 minutes 57 seconds
Animal Aid Unlimited, India
Piglet rescued moments from drowning.
YT 2 minutes 56 seconds
Animal Aid Unlimited, India
10 amazing animal rescues!
YT 3 minutes 34 seconds
Sheldrick Trust
Baby giraffe is rescued | Sheldrick Trust
YT 5 minutes 7 seconds
Hope For Paws - Official Rescue Channel
Hope For Paws: Benji was homeless his whole life... WATCH what happens next! Please share.#dog
YT 1 minute 49 seconds
Very Local
Kitten rescued from recycling center conveyor belt in the nick of time
YT 4 minutes 4 seconds
Playmen Music
PLAYMEN ft. Christos Mastoras - Stand By Me Now (Official Video)
YT 4 minutes 45 seconds
Sheldrick Trust
The rescue of Humpty, the Little Hippo | Sheldrick Trust
YT 3 minutes 17 seconds
Animal Aid Unlimited, India
We won't let you die! 5 incredible rescues.
YT 2 minutes 40 seconds
Animal Aid Unlimited, India
A drowning dog's desperate wish comes true.
YT 3 minutes 34 seconds
Animal Aid Unlimited, India
Brutally beaten donkey is loved at last
YT 4 minutes 56 seconds
Animal Aid Unlimited, India
Wounded dog lost on busy highway rescued.
YT 4 minutes 33 seconds
Animal Aid Unlimited, India
Only one chance to catch a desperate puppy.
YT 3 minutes 11 seconds
Animal Aid Unlimited, India
Abandoned dying baby calf now safe forever.
YT 1 minute 41 seconds
The Dodo
Bird Frozen To Metal Fence Rescued by Kind Man | The Dodo
YT 3 minutes 22 seconds
Animal Aid Unlimited, India
Screaming from pain, puppy rescued with torn ear.
YT 3 minutes 15 seconds
Animal Aid Unlimited, India
Terrified & in pain, puppy's amazing transformation after rescue.
YT 8 minutes 5 seconds
Animal Aid Unlimited, India
Covered in solid tar puppies trapped in their own bodies, only their eyes could move, rescued.
YT 3 minutes 59 seconds
Animal Aid Unlimited, India
Legs tied together and left to die, donkey recovers from unimaginable cruelty.
YT 4 minutes 20 seconds
ANIMA Wildlife Care
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