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Invidious (YT)

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Who is Nicka Smith? 9060 subscribers    RSS
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YT 1 hour 35 minutes 29 seconds
Who is Nicka Smith?
BlackProGen LIVE! Ep 101: The Count: A Deep Dive Into the 1870 and 1880 US Census
YT 28 minutes 52 seconds
Who is Nicka Smith?
Episode 102: History: Unscripted: The Battle for Context
YT 1 hour 25 minutes 26 seconds
Who is Nicka Smith?
BlackProGen LIVE! Ep 103: Breaking Ancestral Narratives Free
YT 1 hour 37 minutes 20 seconds
Who is Nicka Smith?
BlackProGen LIVE! Ep 104: Jumping the Broom: Researching Marriages and Unions
YT 1 hour 38 minutes 26 seconds
Who is Nicka Smith?
BlackProGen LIVE! Ep 105: Tracing the Trade: Slavery in Louisiana and Mississippi
YT 37 minutes 31 seconds
Who is Nicka Smith?
Episode 106: History: Unscripted - Perception is Everything
YT 1 hour 28 minutes 41 seconds
Who is Nicka Smith?
BlackProGen LIVE! Ep 107: The Count: Unearthing Gems in the 1900 and 1910 US Census
YT 34 minutes 26 seconds
Who is Nicka Smith?
BlackProGen LIVE! #RootsNChill Week 1 Wrap Up (Census and Lists)
YT 1 hour 14 minutes 18 seconds
Who is Nicka Smith?
Episode 108 - History: Unscripted - Those People
YT 57 minutes 6 seconds
Who is Nicka Smith?
BlackProGen LIVE! #RootsNChill Week 2 Wrap Up (Births and Deaths)
YT 48 minutes 46 seconds
Who is Nicka Smith?
BlackProGen LIVE! #RootsNChill Week 3 Wrap Up (Marriages and Unions)
YT 36 minutes 6 seconds
Who is Nicka Smith?
BlackProGen LIVE! #RootsNChill Week 4 Wrap Up (Newspapers and Periodicals)
YT 1 hour 48 minutes 36 seconds
Who is Nicka Smith?
BlackProGen LIVE! Ep 109: Tracing the Trade: Slavery in North and South Carolina
YT 56 minutes 36 seconds
Who is Nicka Smith?
BlackProGen LIVE! #RootsNChill Week 5 Wrap Up (Probates/Successions)
YT 36 minutes 7 seconds
Who is Nicka Smith?
Episode 111a: History Unscripted - When DNA Gets Real
YT 1 hour 2 minutes 11 seconds
Who is Nicka Smith?
Episode 111b: History:Unscripted - When DNA Gets Real - Live Q&A
YT 1 hour 42 minutes 56 seconds
Who is Nicka Smith?
BlackProGen LIVE! Ep 110: Court Records for People of Color Family History Research
YT 1 hour 41 seconds
Who is Nicka Smith?
BlackProGen LIVE! #RootsNChill Week 7 Wrap Up (Civil War and Freedom Era)
YT 1 hour 1 second
Who is Nicka Smith?
BlackProGen LIVE! #RootsNChill Week 8 Wrap Up (DNA and Genetic Genealogy)
YT 1 hour 35 minutes 46 seconds
Who is Nicka Smith?
BlackProGen LIVE! Ep 112: The Count: Behind the 1920 and 1930 US Census
YT 44 minutes 27 seconds
Who is Nicka Smith?
Episode 113 - History: Unscripted - It Works Both Ways
YT 1 hour 55 minutes 5 seconds
Who is Nicka Smith?
BlackProGen LIVE! Ep 114: In Case Stuff: Using Insurance Records in Genealogy Research
YT 54 minutes 36 seconds
Who is Nicka Smith?
BlackProGen LIVE! Ep 115: Juneteenth 2020 Celebration
YT 1 hour 9 minutes 20 seconds
Who is Nicka Smith?
BlackProGen LIVE! Ep 116: 2020 Midwest African American Genealogy Institute
YT 1 hour 41 minutes 51 seconds
Who is Nicka Smith?
Episode 117 - History: Unscripted LIVE - How I Got Ova
YT 1 hour 59 minutes 56 seconds
Who is Nicka Smith?
BlackProGen LIVE! Ep 118: The Count: Forecasting the Future with the 1940 and 1950 US Census
YT 1 hour 42 minutes 50 seconds
Who is Nicka Smith?
Episode 119 - History: Unscripted - Shan't Knock The Hustle
YT 1 hour 50 minutes 21 seconds
Who is Nicka Smith?
BlackProGen LIVE! Ep 120: The Count: Giving Voice to the 1850 and 1860 US Census
YT 38 minutes 38 seconds
Who is Nicka Smith?
Episode 121: History: Unscripted - Profiles in Racial Justice, Part I
YT 1 hour 54 minutes 30 seconds
Who is Nicka Smith?
BlackProGen LIVE! Ep 122: Interviewing for Genealogy and Family History Research
YT 22 minutes 39 seconds
Who is Nicka Smith?
Episode 123: History: Unscripted - Profiles in Racial Justice, Part II
YT 2 hours 7 minutes 23 seconds
Who is Nicka Smith?
BlackProGen LIVE! Ep Episode 124: Researching While Black
YT 1 hour 53 minutes 15 seconds
Who is Nicka Smith?
Episode 125: History: Unscripted LIVE! 2020 Wrap Up