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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Berkeley Lab

Berkeley Lab 26700 subscribers    RSS
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YT 50 minutes 46 seconds
Berkeley Lab
Enabling Ultra-low Latency Edge Processing with Silicon Photonics (Johannes Feldmann, Salience Labs)
YT 47 minutes 42 seconds
Berkeley Lab
Digital computation in cryo-cooled environments using RSFQ with novel methods
YT 54 minutes 29 seconds
Berkeley Lab
Reading Herculaneum Material using Synchrotron Light Sources (Jens Dopke, RAL)
YT 55 minutes 55 seconds
Berkeley Lab
ASIC NN for Future Particle Colliders (Farah Fahim, Fermilab)
YT 55 minutes 59 seconds
Berkeley Lab
CMOS on your mind? Circuits for circuits (Peter Denes, Berkeley Lab)
YT 54 minutes 54 seconds
Berkeley Lab
The Cyclotron Lives On! Compact H2+ cyclotrons for neutrinos, medical physics, and beyond
YT 57 minutes 48 seconds
Berkeley Lab
Counting Soft X-Ray Photons At Nearly GHz Speeds With MCP/Timepix Detectors
YT 49 minutes 54 seconds
Berkeley Lab
Breaking the Surface: progress and challenges with Intel's Loihi 2 (Paxon Frady, Intel Labs)
YT 44 minutes 5 seconds
Berkeley Lab
Seeing behind walls Leveraging theoretical insights to bridge the gaps in scientific instrumentatio
YT 56 minutes 4 seconds
Berkeley Lab
Novel Materials and Quantum Sensors for Probes of Beyond the Standard Model Physics
YT 48 minutes 57 seconds
Berkeley Lab
Radiobiological effects in the ultra-high instantaneous proton dose rate regime
YT 55 minutes 50 seconds
Berkeley Lab
GaToroid - a Toroidal Gantry for Particle Therapy
YT 55 minutes 32 seconds
Berkeley Lab
Evolution of Quench Protection Methods for Superconducting Magnets