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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Berkeley Lab

Berkeley Lab 26700 subscribers    RSS
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YT 48 minutes 31 seconds
Berkeley Lab
Quantum Simulation of Lattice Gauge Theories at Scale
YT 51 minutes 40 seconds
Berkeley Lab
Quantum Control Strategies for Ultra Low Loss Multimode Circuit QED Systems
YT 45 minutes 37 seconds
Berkeley Lab
Synergies in low mass dark matter search and quantum sensing
YT 48 minutes 33 seconds
Berkeley Lab
Quantum Crosstalk Robust Quantum Control
YT 41 minutes 12 seconds
Berkeley Lab
Phononic bath engineering of a superconducting qubit
YT 1 hour 2 minutes 7 seconds
Berkeley Lab
Control based variational quantum algorithms and dynamical noise suppression
YT 1 hour 1 minute 57 seconds
Berkeley Lab
Too hot to handle, too cold to hold quantum networking at AFRL with laser cooled, radioactive ions
YT 41 minutes 35 seconds
Berkeley Lab
Encoding qubits in oscillators
YT 53 minutes 13 seconds
Berkeley Lab
Nearly optimal simulation of QFT
YT 1 hour 2 minutes 16 seconds
Berkeley Lab
Josephson parametric amplifiers for rapid, high fidelity measurement of solid state qubits
YT 48 minutes 4 seconds
Berkeley Lab
When reinforcement learning meets quantum computing
YT 44 minutes 33 seconds
Berkeley Lab
SupercheQ Quantum Advantage for Distributed Databases
YT 1 hour 1 minute 1 second
Berkeley Lab
Characterizing high fidelity quantum devices
YT 42 minutes 27 seconds
Berkeley Lab
Quantum Circuit Mapping of Open Quantum Systems in Cavity QED
YT 56 minutes 58 seconds
Berkeley Lab
Many-body physics in driven dissipative superconducting circuits
YT 59 minutes 32 seconds
Berkeley Lab
Noise Tailored Quantum Error Correction for Next Generation Qubit Technologies
YT 48 minutes 2 seconds
Berkeley Lab
Real Time Methods for Eigenvalue Estimation on Quantum Hardware
YT 53 minutes 47 seconds
Berkeley Lab
Surface Acoustic Wave Phonons for Quantum State Transfer & Interferometry
YT 1 hour 11 seconds
Berkeley Lab
Dissipative stabilization and error correction in a bosonic qubit
YT 56 minutes 28 seconds
Berkeley Lab
Quantum Error Suppression in Superconducting Circuits
YT 57 minutes 48 seconds
Berkeley Lab
Promises and Challenges of Variational Quantum Algorithms
YT 1 hour 4 seconds
Berkeley Lab
Josephson meta materials a new platform for quantum optics
YT 55 minutes 15 seconds
Berkeley Lab
Practical quantum error correction with the XZZX code and Kerr-cat qubits
YT 51 minutes 40 seconds
Berkeley Lab
K-12 Career Talks: A Day in the Life of an AQT Scientist
YT 17 minutes 43 seconds
Berkeley Lab
Circuit compilation
YT 19 minutes 57 seconds
Berkeley Lab
Scrambling quantum information in a qutrit circuit
YT 12 minutes 57 seconds
Berkeley Lab
Qutrit benchmarking
YT 10 minutes 32 seconds
Berkeley Lab
Quantum Imaginary Time Evolution
YT 13 minutes 53 seconds
Berkeley Lab
Control Software/Firmware
YT 16 minutes 48 seconds
Berkeley Lab
Accelerating the Next Generation of Quantum Architectures and Algorithms
YT 14 minutes 15 seconds
Berkeley Lab
3D Reconfigurable QPU and Processes R&D
YT 27 minutes 17 seconds
Berkeley Lab
Quantum Processors Capabilities and Performance
YT 44 minutes 13 seconds
Berkeley Lab
High fidelity quantum gate via accelerated adiabatic evolution
YT 49 minutes 10 seconds
Berkeley Lab
Improving quantum computer performance with machine learning
YT 1 hour 5 minutes 6 seconds
Berkeley Lab
Superconducting Qubits: design, analysis, energy & Qiskit Metal
YT 42 minutes 43 seconds
Berkeley Lab
Analog simulation of quantum impurity models
YT 1 hour 5 minutes 46 seconds
Berkeley Lab
Transmons aren’t forever
YT 59 minutes 28 seconds
Berkeley Lab
Driven dissipative quantum systems and hidden time reversal symmetries
YT 1 hour 6 minutes 21 seconds
Berkeley Lab
A quantum annealer with fully programmable all-to-all coupling via Floquet engineering
YT 1 hour 11 minutes 46 seconds
Berkeley Lab
Cycle Error Reconstruction and Randomized Compiling to Extend
YT 56 minutes 27 seconds
Berkeley Lab
Finite-temperature dynamics of spin systems on near-term quantum
YT 1 hour 8 minutes 49 seconds
Berkeley Lab
Universal Protocol for Quantum Teleportation via Scrambling
YT 1 hour 5 minutes 36 seconds
Berkeley Lab
Resource-Efficient Quantum Computing by Breaking Abstractions
YT 56 minutes 49 seconds
Berkeley Lab
From circuits to applications: exploring the value of quantum
YT 1 hour 1 minute 37 seconds
Berkeley Lab
Measuring the capabilities of quantum computers
YT 1 hour 14 minutes 11 seconds
Berkeley Lab
Approaching the quantum limits for amplification and isolation
YT 57 minutes 46 seconds
Berkeley Lab
t|ket〉: A Retargetable Compiler for NISQ Devices
YT 52 minutes 50 seconds
Berkeley Lab
Scaling up quantum processors: diagnosing errors and the unknown