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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > diekvar

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YT 2 minutes 23 seconds
Sharon Alper - Blackbird (Beatles cover)
YT 2 minutes 43 seconds
Sharon Alper playin Covers - Jockey Full of Bourbon
YT 12 minutes 1 second
Paul Davids
5 great exercises for your practice routine!
YT 12 minutes 49 seconds
Paul Davids
3 awesome 'out of the box' exercises for your practice routine!
YT 12 minutes 53 seconds
Paul Davids
Why quintuplets are AMAZING
YT 14 minutes 21 seconds
Paul Davids
5 GREAT chord tricks everyone should know!
YT 13 minutes 25 seconds
Paul Davids
My philosophy on GETTING GOOD at guitar
YT 9 minutes 25 seconds
Paul Davids
The real magic of the CAGED SYSTEM | From n00b to PRO
YT 10 minutes 2 seconds
Paul Davids
8 Things I regret not doing when learning guitar
YT 10 minutes 2 seconds
Paul Davids
8 Things I regret not doing when learning guitar
YT 7 minutes 35 seconds
Paul Davids
10 hacks all guitarists should know!
YT 14 minutes 59 seconds
Simply Quinoa
6 BEST GLUTEN-FREE FLOURS ‣‣ for all your baking recipes!