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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Bob Robertson

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YT 6 minutes 2 seconds
Kevin - Basic Filmmaker
How To DIY Bank Lighting For Filmmaking - Basic Filmmaker Ep 114
YT 6 minutes 35 seconds
Steven Washer (Steven Washer)
How to get a flawless greenscreen shoot in a tiny room
YT 24 minutes 31 seconds
Photoshop Training Channel
Photoshop: How To Make SMOOTH CUT OUTS! Remove Backgrounds with Vector Masks
YT 18 minutes 26 seconds
The EASY Background Remover Hidden in Photoshop!
YT 18 minutes 24 seconds
Sean Frangella
Compositing 3D Models into Footage with Cinema 4D & After Effects - 3D Tutorial, Sean Frangella