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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Pyotr Kurzin | Geopolitics

Pyotr Kurzin | Geopolitics 46800 subscribers    RSS
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YT 11 minutes 17 seconds
Pyotr Kurzin | Geopolitics
From Coup to Civil War: How the Selfish Actions of 2 Men Could Drastically Result in Regional War
YT 36 minutes 2 seconds
Pyotr Kurzin | Geopolitics
A Multipolar World: The Stark Realities of How Russia and Africa Are Playing Geopolitics
YT 58 seconds
Pyotr Kurzin | Geopolitics
Sudan has been in Civil War 1 year today | #shorts
YT 10 minutes 32 seconds
Pyotr Kurzin | Geopolitics
Sudan's Civil War Is Way Worse Than You Can Imagine
YT 38 minutes 52 seconds
Pyotr Kurzin | Geopolitics
The Massive Struggle It Takes To Become A Country