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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Matt Orfalea

Matt Orfalea 95200 subscribers    RSS
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YT 9 minutes 4 seconds
Matt Orfalea
AIPAC Exposed | 5 Times AIPAC Got Caught Controlling American Politics
YT 12 minutes 7 seconds
Matt Orfalea
5 Lies The Media Spread About MAGA Hat Kids | Nick Sandmann / Nathan Phillips Face-Off
YT 8 minutes 9 seconds
Matt Orfalea
How to Defeat Racism (5 Inspiring Stories)
YT 10 minutes 19 seconds
Matt Orfalea
The Atlantic Council | Facebook’s Partner (5 Frightening Facts)
YT 7 minutes 23 seconds
Matt Orfalea
5 Inspiring Jewish Voices for Peace Who Support Ilhan Omar
YT 12 minutes 46 seconds
Matt Orfalea
Bernie Sanders Gets Stuff Done | 5 Amazing Victories
YT 5 minutes 52 seconds
Matt Orfalea
MLK on Guaranteed Income | Universal Basic Income (5 Reasons)
YT 10 minutes 11 seconds
Matt Orfalea
5 Heroic Truth-Tellers Wrongly Charged with Espionage
YT 10 minutes 35 seconds
Matt Orfalea
Why the Julian Assange Case Threatens the Free Press | 6 Pulitzer Prize Winners Explain
YT 7 minutes 30 seconds
Matt Orfalea
Robots Stealing My Jobs | Every Job I’ve Ever Had Will Be Automated
YT 3 minutes 32 seconds
Matt Orfalea
WORK MYTHS (8 Lies You've Been Told about Work)
YT 6 minutes 34 seconds
Matt Orfalea
Milton Friedman on Guaranteed Income / Negative Income Tax / Basic Income
YT 3 minutes 59 seconds
Matt Orfalea
Basic Income (10 Reasons)
YT 8 minutes 54 seconds
Matt Orfalea
Stay Woke, Bitches!
YT 3 minutes 52 seconds
Matt Orfalea
How He Pays For It (Bernie Sanders) Bernie 2016
YT 8 minutes 49 seconds
Matt Orfalea
5 Times Trump & His Supporters Flipped on Wikileaks
YT 8 minutes 49 seconds
Matt Orfalea
Why Bernie Sanders should support Basic Income (10 Reasons)
YT 5 minutes 49 seconds
Matt Orfalea
How Much Pro-Israel Money Politicians Attacking Ilhan Omar Received