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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Matt Orfalea

Matt Orfalea 95200 subscribers    RSS
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YT 4 minutes 53 seconds
Matt Orfalea
If MLK Sneezed (MLK's Last Speech)
YT 2 minutes 16 seconds
Matt Orfalea
Why Colin Kaepernick Took a Knee (US Army Veteran, Nate Boyer)
YT 4 minutes 29 seconds
Matt Orfalea
NOW IS THE TIME (Bernie 2016)
YT 4 minutes 37 seconds
Matt Orfalea
Forgotten Hero | Hugh Thompson Jr.
YT 10 minutes 11 seconds
Matt Orfalea
5 Heroic Truth-Tellers Wrongly Charged with Espionage
YT 3 minutes 31 seconds
Matt Orfalea
Daniel Ellsberg on Chelsea Manning | A Hero’s Hero: The Courage We Need
YT 4 minutes 25 seconds
Matt Orfalea
Bernie Sanders is a BEAST - Bold Leadership
YT 2 minutes 45 seconds
Matt Orfalea
Trump is a Symptom, Not the Problem
YT 3 minutes 45 seconds
Matt Orfalea
MLK on Economic Justice (Poor People's Campaign)
YT 4 minutes 56 seconds
Matt Orfalea
Bernie Sanders vs ISIS
YT 4 minutes 12 seconds
Matt Orfalea
Fight for Open Debates! (The CPD is a Fraud!) #OpenDebates
YT 6 minutes 48 seconds
Matt Orfalea
If Daniel Ellsberg's a Hero, Why Not Chelsea Manning? ("The Post" movie interviews)
YT 3 minutes 25 seconds
The Jimmy Dore Show
Tim Canova: Fighting Corruption & Debbie Wasserman Schutlz!
YT 12 minutes 46 seconds
Matt Orfalea
Bernie Sanders Gets Stuff Done | 5 Amazing Victories
YT 4 minutes 56 seconds
Matt Orfalea
Rising Up | Bernie 2020
YT 4 minutes 14 seconds
Matt Orfalea
Tulsi Gabbard | Veteran for Peace
YT 3 minutes 2 seconds
Matt Orfalea
MLK's Last Sermon | 4 Days Before Assassination
YT 5 minutes 32 seconds
Matt Orfalea
MLK & Bernie Sanders vs Donald Trump | “Revolution of Values”
YT 6 minutes 32 seconds
Matt Orfalea
Bernie Sanders vs Donald Trump
YT 5 minutes 5 seconds
Matt Orfalea
Thomas Drake: An American Hero | Interview Teaser
YT 33 minutes 33 seconds
Matt Orfalea
Thomas Drake | Enemy of the State: How the Government Tried to Turn a Truth-Teller into a Traitor
YT 22 minutes 34 seconds
Matt Orfalea
Censored Whistleblower Defends Julian Assange | Thomas Drake Interview Pt.2
YT 1 hour 17 minutes 7 seconds
Matt Orfalea
Drones Whistleblower Daniel Hale | w/ Kevin Gosztola