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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > The Chopra Well

The Chopra Well 681000 subscribers    RSS
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YT 12 minutes 7 seconds
The Chopra Well
Reality's Subjective Core
YT 11 minutes 9 seconds
The Chopra Well
Mind & Matter: Unified Field
YT 11 minutes 59 seconds
The Chopra Well
No Inside, No Out
YT 10 minutes 33 seconds
The Chopra Well
The Holographic Universe
YT 6 minutes 8 seconds
The Chopra Well
Plant Based: Quantum Foods
YT 6 minutes 58 seconds
The Chopra Well
Physics of Mind
YT 8 minutes 29 seconds
The Chopra Well
Death & Rebirth
YT 9 minutes 2 seconds
The Chopra Well
Mind's Patterns
YT 7 minutes 11 seconds
The Chopra Well
Local vs. Non-Local Realism
YT 7 minutes 38 seconds
The Chopra Well
Consciousness: Beyond the Quantum
YT 11 minutes 1 second
The Chopra Well
Cultural Code: Bio Programming?
YT 13 minutes 44 seconds
The Chopra Well
The Magical Lie
YT 5 minutes 20 seconds
The Chopra Well
Cosmic Conundrum
YT 9 minutes 24 seconds
The Chopra Well
The Akashic Field Explained
YT 6 minutes 26 seconds
The Chopra Well
Qualia: The Subjective Reality
YT 5 minutes 9 seconds
The Chopra Well
Atoms & Souls: Rethinking Reality
YT 13 minutes 26 seconds
The Chopra Well
Science of Infinite Possibilities
YT 7 minutes 35 seconds
The Chopra Well
I am not a panpsychist.
YT 6 minutes 56 seconds
The Chopra Well
Quantum Challenges Reality
YT 13 minutes 1 second
The Chopra Well
Secrets of Quantum Healing
YT 12 minutes 59 seconds
The Chopra Well
True Self, False Self
YT 8 minutes 3 seconds
The Chopra Well
The Limits of Consciousness Research
YT 12 minutes 15 seconds
The Chopra Well
The Mystery of the Seeker
YT 15 minutes 19 seconds
The Chopra Well
The infinite possibilities of the multiverse
YT 12 minutes 20 seconds
The Chopra Well
We live in a bubble
YT 12 minutes 11 seconds
The Chopra Well
Stop being bamboozled
YT 10 minutes 19 seconds
The Chopra Well
Quantum Entanglement and Language
YT 8 minutes 15 seconds
The Chopra Well
Panpsychism vs. Non-Duality
YT 9 minutes 9 seconds
The Chopra Well
From Chaos to Creation
YT 8 minutes 17 seconds
The Chopra Well
Quantum Mechanics and the Human Body
YT 4 minutes 57 seconds
The Chopra Well
Quantum Creativity
YT 8 minutes 20 seconds
The Chopra Well
Words can heal.
YT 15 minutes 11 seconds
The Chopra Well
Rethink everything we know.
YT 13 minutes 47 seconds
The Chopra Well
Unpacking the Matrix of Existence
YT 8 minutes 24 seconds
The Chopra Well
Can VR help treat physical and mental disorders?
YT 5 minutes 25 seconds
The Chopra Well
Examples of Non-Local Phenomena
YT 8 minutes 21 seconds
The Chopra Well
A Symbolic Universe
YT 7 minutes 17 seconds
The Chopra Well
Spiritual experiences vs true spiritual awakening
YT 8 minutes 33 seconds
The Chopra Well
The Peace That Passes Understanding
YT 12 minutes 43 seconds
The Chopra Well
The Paradox of Seeking
YT 11 minutes 19 seconds
The Chopra Well
A simple meditation for you
YT 7 minutes 23 seconds
The Chopra Well
What we call seeing is not happening.
YT 5 minutes
The Chopra Well
A New Paradigm Is Emerging In Science
YT 6 minutes 28 seconds
The Chopra Well
How to live an authentic life.
YT 6 minutes 47 seconds
The Chopra Well
The Digital Nature of Reality
YT 5 minutes 52 seconds
The Chopra Well
A Hallucination Within a Hallucination
YT 6 minutes 25 seconds
The Chopra Well
Discovering the Timeless You
YT 10 minutes 32 seconds
The Chopra Well
God said, “ Let there be light”
YT 4 minutes 29 seconds
The Chopra Well
A Poetic Exploration
YT 7 minutes 47 seconds
The Chopra Well
How meditation can influence your genes.
YT 8 minutes 4 seconds
The Chopra Well
Conditioned by Cosmos, Biology, and Culture
YT 13 minutes 55 seconds
The Chopra Well
Is the universe a cosmic 3D printer?
YT 13 minutes 50 seconds
The Chopra Well
How You Have Imagined The Universe
YT 7 minutes 51 seconds
The Chopra Well
How I minimize jet lag and fatigue.
YT 11 minutes 35 seconds
The Chopra Well
How Memories Shape Our Perception of Time
YT 9 minutes 4 seconds
The Chopra Well
The Relationship of the Brain to Consciousness
YT 15 minutes 16 seconds
The Chopra Well
Ayurveda and Quantum Mechanics
YT 8 minutes 36 seconds
The Chopra Well
Proposing a Link Between Reincarnation and Evolution
YT 15 minutes 20 seconds
The Chopra Well
The surprising connections between science and spirituality.
YT 9 minutes 1 second
The Chopra Well
The Secret to Freedom Hidden Within You
YT 5 minutes 5 seconds
The Chopra Well
New Research on Quantum Biology
YT 13 minutes 33 seconds
The Chopra Well
Quantum Healing is Science
YT 6 minutes 13 seconds
The Chopra Well
The Secret to Fulfilling Your Desires
YT 13 minutes 59 seconds
The Chopra Well
We Are All Fictional Characters In A Collective Dreamscape
YT 6 minutes 9 seconds
The Chopra Well
Why Every Theory of Reality is Incomplete
YT 8 minutes 42 seconds
The Chopra Well
Can AI unravel the mystery of our existence?
YT 8 minutes 9 seconds
The Chopra Well
Transcending Thought to Find True Existence
YT 5 minutes 21 seconds
The Chopra Well
What is reality?
YT 8 minutes 23 seconds
The Chopra Well
The Truth about Reincarnation
YT 8 minutes 53 seconds
The Chopra Well
A Meditation on the Construct of Death
YT 9 minutes 26 seconds
The Chopra Well
Is it possible to slow down time?
YT 9 minutes 22 seconds
The Chopra Well
You do not have a physical body.
YT 6 minutes 48 seconds
The Chopra Well
Are Infinite Universes Real?
YT 9 minutes 59 seconds
The Chopra Well
Re-Thinking Our Brain
YT 7 minutes 46 seconds
The Chopra Well
How Deep Sleep Offers a Connection to the Divine
YT 8 minutes 58 seconds
The Chopra Well
Sentience vs. Consciousness
YT 4 minutes 45 seconds
The Chopra Well
Do Spin, Charge & Mass equal Satva, Rajas and Tamas?
YT 6 minutes 31 seconds
The Chopra Well
The Science of Slowing Down Time
YT 7 minutes 17 seconds
The Chopra Well
Why it's impossible for you to die.
YT 8 minutes 58 seconds
The Chopra Well
How to Access Free Will
YT 7 minutes 44 seconds
The Chopra Well
Is your happiness dependent on external circumstances?
YT 7 minutes 22 seconds
The Chopra Well
Do we have free will?
YT 7 minutes 35 seconds
The Chopra Well
Non-Locality Could Make Time Travel Possible
YT 6 minutes 56 seconds
The Chopra Well
The Direct Method to Liberation and Self-Realization
YT 4 minutes 57 seconds
The Chopra Well
Why Quantum Pioneers Believed in Quantum Consciousness
YT 11 minutes 59 seconds
The Chopra Well
A theory of everything.
YT 13 minutes 51 seconds
The Chopra Well
What happens after we die?
YT 13 minutes 39 seconds
The Chopra Well
Debunking Materialism
YT 16 minutes 10 seconds
The Chopra Well
Unveiling Reality Through Meditation and Inquiry
YT 8 minutes 34 seconds
The Chopra Well
Where Biological and Cultural Evolution Intersect
YT 8 minutes 2 seconds
The Chopra Well
Are we the imaginal cells of Cosmic Consciousness?
YT 7 minutes 42 seconds
The Chopra Well
Dear Quantum Physicists🙏
YT 5 minutes 32 seconds
The Chopra Well
Practical Steps for Quantum Healing
YT 5 minutes 44 seconds
The Chopra Well
The Akashic Field and the Block Universe
YT 12 minutes 6 seconds
The Chopra Well
The Science of Perception and How to Resolve Conflict
YT 21 minutes 18 seconds
The Chopra Well
Unveiling Reality And The Wonder And Joy Of Human Existence
YT 6 minutes 42 seconds
The Chopra Well
Mathematics, Equations, The Human Body, The Universe and The Real You
YT 4 minutes 56 seconds
The Chopra Well
The best way to not entangle yourself in other people’s karma!
YT 8 minutes 20 seconds
The Chopra Well
How to know yourself as an infinite being.
YT 6 minutes 46 seconds
The Chopra Well
Is Reality a Computer Program or a Cosmic Dream?
YT 5 minutes 35 seconds
The Chopra Well
The One Being has Innumerable Disguises
YT 17 minutes 59 seconds
The Chopra Well
Is the Quantum Field a Model of the Consciousness Field Knowing Itself?
YT 12 minutes 45 seconds
The Chopra Well
How to find God in a Rice Salmon Poke Bowl
YT 6 minutes 9 seconds
The Chopra Well
Language, Models of Reality, and Reality Itself. What can we know?
YT 13 minutes 9 seconds
The Chopra Well
Digital Dharma
YT 10 minutes 55 seconds
The Chopra Well
The connection between randomness, unpredictability, creativity, karma, and free will.
YT 8 minutes 21 seconds
The Chopra Well
Why Science Cannot Give us Access to Reality.
YT 15 minutes 19 seconds
The Chopra Well
How Fields Shape Our Universe and Ourselves
YT 11 minutes 30 seconds
The Chopra Well
The change in animal behavior during the eclipse and what it means for you.
YT 15 minutes 9 seconds
The Chopra Well
Is the Akashic Field the Quantum Field?
YT 6 minutes 23 seconds
The Chopra Well
How to Reinvent Our Experience of the Body and the World by Resurrecting Our Soul
YT 7 minutes 38 seconds
The Chopra Well
How we project our experience of the body and the world.
YT 7 minutes 19 seconds
The Chopra Well
How to know yourself and reality directly.
YT 6 minutes 36 seconds
The Chopra Well
Is Nature Creative?
YT 15 minutes 11 seconds
The Chopra Well
How Consciousness Connects Us Across Space and Time
YT 14 minutes 36 seconds
The Chopra Well
Our role in cosmic evolution.
YT 9 minutes 14 seconds
The Chopra Well
The difference between Science and Scientism.
YT 14 minutes 43 seconds
The Chopra Well
You are not your body or mind.
YT 6 minutes 25 seconds
The Chopra Well
The Scientific Universe is not real.
YT 9 minutes 23 seconds
The Chopra Well
The Surprise That Leads to Enlightenment
YT 6 minutes 56 seconds
The Chopra Well
A solution to Schrodinger’s Cat
YT 7 minutes 30 seconds
The Chopra Well
Nothing Perceivable or Conceivable is Real.
YT 8 minutes 53 seconds
The Chopra Well
Rethinking Science Through an Eastern Lens
YT 15 minutes 16 seconds
The Chopra Well
How Your Awareness Can Change Your Universe
YT 12 minutes 24 seconds
The Chopra Well
The known, the unknown, and the unknowable.
YT 11 minutes 23 seconds
The Chopra Well
How to enter the source of all existence, the abode of Shiva.
YT 10 minutes 28 seconds
The Chopra Well
The real you is independent of all suffering. Here is how.
YT 16 minutes 58 seconds
The Chopra Well
A solution to the conundrums of modern cosmology.
YT 7 minutes 3 seconds
The Chopra Well
12 Baffling Principles of Quantum Physics
YT 8 minutes 20 seconds
The Chopra Well
The Universe is a Magic Show and You Are the Magician
YT 6 minutes 11 seconds
The Chopra Well
A Consciousness-Based Model for Cosmic Creation - PART 2 of 2
YT 13 minutes 20 seconds
The Chopra Well
A Consciousness-Based Model for Cosmic Creation - PART 1 of 2
YT 7 minutes 53 seconds
The Chopra Well
How Stem Cell Decline Affects Your Health
YT 12 minutes 19 seconds
The Chopra Well
Science that confirms we're all connected.
YT 8 minutes 32 seconds
The Chopra Well
How Quantum Physics Mirrors the Mind
YT 11 minutes 23 seconds
The Chopra Well
Evidence for consciousness-based evolution.
YT 8 minutes 20 seconds
The Chopra Well
Unveiling Existence: Buddhism vs. Science?
YT 3 minutes 1 second
The Chopra Well
Miracle of Existence at JFK Airport
YT 9 minutes 27 seconds
The Chopra Well
The Divine Interpretation of Quantum Theory
YT 11 minutes 52 seconds
The Chopra Well
The secret to unlocking your body's natural healing responses.
YT 15 minutes 5 seconds
The Chopra Well
Unveiling the Spiritual Potential of Technology
YT 14 minutes
The Chopra Well
What do Hinduism and Judaism have in common?
YT 13 minutes 35 seconds
The Chopra Well
Finding Your True Self in Everything: A Journey of Consciousness
YT 12 minutes 21 seconds
The Chopra Well
Deepak Chopra is an authentic deep fake.
YT 11 minutes 7 seconds
The Chopra Well
The greatest mystery of existence is awareness of existence.
YT 3 minutes 18 seconds
The Chopra Well
A daily practice to get in touch with your timeless Self.
YT 12 minutes 4 seconds
The Chopra Well
My endorsement of Pseudo-Profound Bullshit
YT 11 minutes 18 seconds
The Chopra Well
Are you creating the world you want?
YT 12 minutes 40 seconds
The Chopra Well
Find peace and freedom in every moment.
YT 13 minutes 5 seconds
The Chopra Well
Do we truly understand the universe?
YT 9 minutes 7 seconds
The Chopra Well
Can we talk to animals?
YT 10 minutes 34 seconds
The Chopra Well
How name becomes form.
YT 15 minutes 20 seconds
The Chopra Well
How to access the language of God
YT 15 minutes 17 seconds
The Chopra Well
Upgrade Your Mind: Unlock the Superpowers Within
YT 11 minutes 4 seconds
The Chopra Well
Waking, Dreaming, Sleeping: Exploring Different States of Awareness
YT 10 minutes 3 seconds
The Chopra Well
Harnessing the Inner Field: Practical Tools to Unify Mind, Body, and Universe
YT 20 minutes 25 seconds
The Chopra Well
The Sacred Solution to the Climate Crisis
YT 8 minutes 19 seconds
The Chopra Well
A Summary of the book, Quantum Body
YT 8 minutes 2 seconds
The Chopra Well
You're not what you think you are
YT 7 minutes 13 seconds
The Chopra Well
Is consciousness more than just brain activity?
YT 8 minutes 58 seconds
The Chopra Well
Unveiling the Infinite Within Every Experience
YT 8 minutes 28 seconds
The Chopra Well
Can Your Brain Explain You?
YT 11 minutes
The Chopra Well
Can AI help us reach enlightenment?
YT 10 minutes 26 seconds
The Chopra Well
Why aligning with the "deepest level" of thought can be transformative.
YT 12 minutes 7 seconds
The Chopra Well
If reality is an illusion does anything matter?
YT 12 minutes 45 seconds
The Chopra Well
A Journey Through Yoga, Sankhya, & Advaita
YT 12 minutes 18 seconds
The Chopra Well
Is our reality an illusion?
YT 11 minutes 53 seconds
The Chopra Well
Reality is subject to revision.
YT 8 minutes 18 seconds
The Chopra Well
Language is a means to healing and enlightenment.
YT 12 minutes 21 seconds
The Chopra Well
Can Science and Spirituality Coexist?
YT 12 minutes 32 seconds
The Chopra Well
Where do you go after death?
YT 9 minutes 18 seconds
The Chopra Well
A simple exercise to show how the universe reflects your sense of self.
YT 12 minutes 3 seconds
The Chopra Well
Exploring the Relationship Between Sleep, Consciousness, and Enlightenment
YT 12 minutes 50 seconds
The Chopra Well
God is not difficult to find, God is impossible to avoid.
YT 6 minutes 21 seconds
The Chopra Well
Why is Math So Good at Describing Nature? A Radical Idea.
YT 14 minutes 27 seconds
The Chopra Well
A Quantum Meditation for fellow Metahumans
YT 11 minutes 40 seconds
The Chopra Well
How the quantum universe thinks through you!
YT 10 minutes 43 seconds
The Chopra Well
Exploring the Non-Self Nature of Objects: Buddhist Teachings and the Quantum Body
YT 8 minutes 23 seconds
The Chopra Well
Is Reality a Choice?
YT 14 minutes 45 seconds
The Chopra Well
Mainstream Science needs an upgrade.
YT 14 minutes 30 seconds
The Chopra Well
Spiritual Awakening is beyond all rational thinking and perception.
YT 7 minutes 26 seconds
The Chopra Well
A simple summary of non-duality and understanding the source of all existence.
YT 7 minutes 58 seconds
The Chopra Well
Are the hidden dimensions of existence the multidimensional consciousness of Infinite Being?
YT 7 minutes 8 seconds
The Chopra Well
Weaving the Fabric of Reality: Language, AI, and the Human Experience
YT 9 minutes 43 seconds
The Chopra Well
Is Metabiological Evolution our future?
YT 12 minutes 14 seconds
The Chopra Well
I AM is Truth, Existence, Awareness, Joy and Beauty
YT 7 minutes 3 seconds
The Chopra Well
The Quantum Body is the body of Bliss and it is always Now
YT 11 minutes 34 seconds
The Chopra Well
Rethinking Reality Through Consciousness
YT 8 minutes 54 seconds
The Chopra Well
We are the holomovent of the One Inconceivable, Infinite, Divine Being
YT 12 minutes 7 seconds
The Chopra Well
How to always stay in touch with your Quantum Body
YT 13 minutes 29 seconds
The Chopra Well
The Mystery of You Is I AM
YT 9 minutes 2 seconds
The Chopra Well
Quantum Metabolism is the key to self regulation, homeostasis, longevity and health span.
YT 7 minutes 47 seconds
The Chopra Well
Beyond the Body: A Journey to Deeper Reality
YT 11 minutes
The Chopra Well
The way to Divine Knowledge is beyond the comprehension of the Human Mind.
YT 8 minutes 47 seconds
The Chopra Well
Unveiling the Dharma Seals - Part 2 of 2
YT 1 hour 1 minute 54 seconds
The Chopra Well
Connecting the Dots: A new course on Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Biology and Quantum Consciousness
YT 11 minutes 20 seconds
The Chopra Well
Unveiling the Dharma Seals - Part 1 of 2
YT 8 minutes 42 seconds
The Chopra Well
Can AI Crack the Mystery of Consciousness?
YT 15 minutes 13 seconds
The Chopra Well
Quantum Mechanics: Mind-Bending Reality or Just Math?
YT 6 minutes 16 seconds
The Chopra Well
The Direct Method to Self Realization