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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > 廖志明 Liu chi ming

廖志明 Liu chi ming 21100 subscribers    RSS
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YT 9 minutes 56 seconds
廖志明 Liu chi ming
紐西蘭毛利人跋涉9000公里前往台灣尋找與阿美族祖先血統 New Zealand Maori Travel 9,000 Kilometers To Taiwan To Find Their Ances
YT 11 minutes 55 seconds
廖志明 Liu chi ming
臺灣原住民阿美族語經典歌曲 Amis Taiwan|最佳原住民語歌后 盧靜子歌曲
YT 13 minutes 54 seconds
廖志明 Liu chi ming
迷團不解的智利復活節島巨石像|Easter Island
YT 10 minutes 43 seconds
廖志明 Liu chi ming
浪漫迷人的南太平洋法屬大溪地|The Islands of Tahiti |21:9全螢幕寬闊比例影片
YT 10 minutes 43 seconds
廖志明 Liu chi ming
浪漫迷人的法屬大溪地,The Islands of Tahiti 剪不斷理還亂,
YT 4 minutes 49 seconds
廖志明 Liu chi ming
夏威夷最有代表性的草裙舞 Hula
YT 3 minutes 1 second
廖志明 Liu chi ming
夏威夷婚禮曲 Elvis Presley Hawaiian Wedding Song
YT 3 minutes 24 seconds
廖志明 Liu chi ming
南美洲智利巨石像復活節島 Mystery of Easter Island