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Invidious > Channel > 廖志明 Liu chi ming

廖志明 Liu chi ming 21100 subscribers    RSS
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YT 55 minutes 47 seconds
廖志明 Liu chi ming
悠閒雅致的日本茶道/音色獨特的日本箏 Koto music and Japanese tea ceremony
YT 10 minutes 9 seconds
廖志明 Liu chi ming
日本箏音樂,富士山四季風光 Japan koto music, Four season in mount fuji, japan
YT 4 minutes 10 seconds
廖志明 Liu chi ming
YT 13 minutes 37 seconds
廖志明 Liu chi ming
藝妓(芸妓)日本特有的女性表演藝術工作者 |日本箏音樂 | Japanese GeishaJapanese | Koto Music
YT 5 minutes 10 seconds
廖志明 Liu chi ming
YT 4 minutes 42 seconds
廖志明 Liu chi ming
日式傳統神社婚禮,最正統日本神前結婚式 神社での結婚式 Japanese Wedding Ceremony
YT 9 minutes 35 seconds
廖志明 Liu chi ming
日本繪畫藝術浮世繪 UKITO E The Art of the Japanese Print 日本繪畫藝術浮世繪 UKITO E The Art of the Japanese Print
YT 13 minutes 37 seconds
廖志明 Liu chi ming
琴棋書畫,能歌善舞,談吐得體,善解人意的日本"藝妓"|GeishaJapanese|Koto Music|21:9全螢幕寬闊比例影片
YT 9 minutes 13 seconds
廖志明 Liu chi ming
日本原住民阿伊努族|Japan's indigenous people Ainu
YT 10 minutes 14 seconds
廖志明 Liu chi ming