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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > The Romantic Academia

The Romantic Academia 11900 subscribers    RSS
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YT 2 minutes 42 seconds
The Romantic Academia
I Created This Musical Representation of My Current Emotions!
YT 3 minutes 17 seconds
The Romantic Academia
I composed: Nocturna Mysteria
YT 6 minutes 33 seconds
The Romantic Academia
I composed something in the style of Mozart! Did I succeed?
YT 1 minute 32 seconds
The Romantic Academia
Militia Divina, The Army of The Lord
YT 2 minutes 12 seconds
The Romantic Academia
Milites Domini
YT 1 minute 8 seconds
The Romantic Academia
I composed a little something: Militia Divina, The Army of The Lord
YT 3 minutes 50 seconds
The Romantic Academia
A Hymn to Eternity
YT 3 minutes 47 seconds
The Romantic Academia
A 100,000 Subscribers Waltz