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Invidious (YT)

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TomoNews Funnies 104000 subscribers    RSS
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YT 2 minutes 19 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
YouTube demonetization censorship: Advertisers dumped YouTube, so they dumped creators - TomoNews
YT 1 minute 52 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Running Man Challenge: Taiwanese Animators get in on the dance craze mix
YT 1 minute 41 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Rio Olympics poop drama: Brazil pressures Taiwan to have Tomo pull Rio Poop cartoon
YT 2 minutes 19 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Feminist sex bot ban: Lydia Kaye says sex robots are sexist, will lead to objectification
YT 1 minute 30 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Affluenza Teen Ethan Couch had going away party, now only faces 120 days in jail
YT 1 minute 32 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
9/11 offensive to Muslims: Gophers students say 9/11 ceremony will spread Islamophobia
YT 1 minute 32 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Yoga banned at Canadian university for being too offensive and culturally appropriating
YT 1 minute 43 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Dunkin Donuts Joy holiday cups vs Starbucks red only cups: War on Christmas Round 1
YT 1 minute 49 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Woman breastfeeds son and friend's son, internets find it hard to swallow
YT 1 minute 53 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Tinder Twitter meltdown: Vanity Fair's 'Dating Apocalypse' article swiped left by Tinder
YT 1 minute 30 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Facebook trolls send hate mail to Mom posting pictures of cute baby doing funny things
YT 1 minute 40 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Brian Williams ConflateGate: NBC Nightly News anchor to quit lying temporarily
YT 2 minutes 1 second
TomoNews Funnies
Worst snowstorm in history: Northeast braces for biggest blizzard known to man
YT 2 minutes 1 second
TomoNews Funnies
Baby in hot car: disturbing new trend or disturbing news trend?
YT 1 minute 56 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Doc McStuffins vs Dora the Explorer: billion dollar ethnic cartoons replace Barbie and He-Man
YT 1 minute 39 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
RJ Reynolds ordered to pay $23 billion to smoker's widow by Florida court
YT 2 minutes 2 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
AT&T buys DirecTV for $48.5 billion: Monopoly Media Mergers Edition
YT 2 minutes 16 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Jill Abramson fired by New York Times, Sulzberger replaces her with Dean Baquet
YT 1 minute 36 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
NYPD disbands Muslim spy unit...finally
YT 1 minute 47 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Belle Knox to host Porn Reality Show, The Sex Factor
YT 1 minute 45 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
#CancelColbert: Suey Park vs Stephen Colbert, Colbert Wins!
YT 1 minute 8 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
North Korea: Kim Jong-un orders male students to get the Dear Leader-do
YT 1 minute 24 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Bloomberg in China: veteran editor Ben Richardson quits over handling of investigative story
YT 1 minute 13 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Airbnb XXX Freak Fest: New York City apartment used to host orgy, comedian tenant not invited
YT 1 minute 25 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Ken's Krotch: The next deadly global pandemic
YT 1 minute 12 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
US prisoners smuggling thousands of cell phones into jail each year
YT 1 minute 45 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Tiger Mom turns Troll Mom with "The Triple Package"
YT 1 minute 21 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Phil Robertson, Justine Sacco: Victims of PC Police Brutality or just jerks?
YT 1 minute 47 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Dinosaur love: Lock In sex with T-Rex [CLEAN VERSION]
YT 2 minutes 15 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
YouTube Content ID changes irritate content creators
YT 1 minute 32 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Megyn Kelly says Santa is white; he's really the color of money
YT 1 minute 26 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Kim Jong-un executes uncle and releases dance song! Classy!
YT 4 minutes 58 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Asking Strangers for Sex: A Taiwan social experiment
YT 1 minute 23 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Fast-food strikes and protests aim at 100 US cities
YT 1 minute 16 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Travel Tips: How to fly this holiday season by NMA
YT 1 minute 50 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Black Friday 2013 Fights less awesome than Black Friday fights 400 years ago
YT 2 minutes 20 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
What if WorldstarHipHop's fight videos were around for important historical moments?
YT 5 minutes 3 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Asking Strangers for Sex: A Taiwan social experiment
YT 1 minute 22 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Every JFK assassination theory ever! CIA, KGB, homo killers, and aliens!
YT 1 minute 16 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Brutal North Korean regime considered 'chic' by Elle magazine
YT 1 minute 35 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Real-life Ken vs Barbie: Justin Jedlica's beef with Valeria Lukyanova
YT 1 minute 33 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Video by televangelist Cindy Jacobs goes viral after "predicting" Typhoon Haiyan
YT 1 minute 30 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
US military gets liposuction to beat fat tests
YT 1 minute 19 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
How to have an affair on Ashley Madison: Online cheating for winners!
YT 1 minute 20 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Chinese tourists told stop pooping smoking nose picking yelling when abroad
YT 1 minute 24 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Jellyfish invasion shuts down nuclear power plant in Sweden
YT 1 minute 9 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Thai Airways blacks out its own logo on plane after crash landing
YT 1 minute 38 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Chris Lane murder: three bored, dumb and dumber teens charged
YT 1 minute 39 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Juvenile prison riot over Cup Noodles in Florida
YT 1 minute 38 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Sharks on a TRAIN! New York subway shark had nude iPhone pics
YT 2 minutes 16 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Jeff Bezos buys Washington Post: Amazon meets Deep Throat
YT 1 minute 51 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Huntington Beach white riot breaks out after US Open of Surfing
YT 2 minutes 1 second
TomoNews Funnies
Chicago's murder rate is falling, but it's still insanely high
YT 2 minutes 6 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
McDonald's budgeting website lets workers know how little they make
YT 2 minutes 28 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Racist Zimmerman not guilty in Trayvon Martin death
YT 1 minute 53 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
KTVU reports "Ho Lee Fuk" and "Wi Tu Lo" as Asiana pilots
YT 1 minute 36 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Who is the most racist? White Republicans think black people are racist
YT 2 minutes 7 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Texas teen faces EIGHT YEARS in prison for sarcastic Facebook comments
YT 1 minute 23 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Brazil call girls learn English for World Cup 2014
YT 1 minute 47 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Thai Buddhist monks in private jet are big pimpin
YT 1 minute 37 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
NYU boots Chen Guangcheng for new NYU Shanghai campus
YT 1 minute 42 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
NSA Whistleblower, Edward Snowden's stripper girlfriend misses her man
YT 1 minute 24 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Kansas University squeezes @KUboobs to cease-and-desist
YT 1 minute 4 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Chewbacca teaches TSA to "always let the wookiee win"!
YT 1 minute 41 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Taco Bell worker licks taco shells in Facebook photo
YT 1 minute 52 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
McDonald's weight loss tips? CEO 'lost 20 pounds' eating McDonalds every day
YT 1 minute 29 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
French kiss: France finally has real word for sloppy kissing action - 'Galocher'
YT 1 minute 32 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Al-Qaeda terrorist gets strongly-worded 10-page letter from bosses
YT 1 minute 48 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Mount Everest's summit overrun with tourists?
YT 1 minute 33 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Chinese tourist defaces Luxor Temple in Egypt
YT 2 minutes 7 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Female viagra turns on women's mind and body
YT 1 minute 39 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Ban on gay Boy Scouts ended with church support!
YT 1 minute 33 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Sex education now includes birth control in Illinois
YT 1 minute 45 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
World Nutella Day vs. Nutella's own stupid lawyers!
YT 2 minutes 4 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Kai the hatchet wielding hitchhiker hero may actually be a murderer
YT 1 minute 37 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Crazy Old People: Senior citizen prostitution ring BUSTED!
YT 1 minute 17 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Politicians attacked: Vegemite sandwich thrown at Julia Gillard?
YT 1 minute 34 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Vegan diet plans busted, vegetarians eat meat thanks to Whole Foods screw up
YT 2 minutes 1 second
TomoNews Funnies
Human doll: Japanese model Vanilla Chamu before and after
YT 2 minutes 20 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
NYPD stop and frisk trial shows police training video
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 minute 30 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Online shopping? You may need to pay online sales tax
YT 2 minutes 14 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Japanese adult entertainment to thrive under TPP?
YT 1 minute 42 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
North Korea: Kim Jong Un's secrets revealed by NMA
YT 46 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Elephant attacked during drive by shooting
YT 1 minute 7 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Size matters: Women like the male anatomy bigger, study confirms
YT 1 minute 33 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Prom night in Georgia brings segregation to 2013
YT 1 minute
TomoNews Funnies
Nebraska Jail to Offer Cells as Hotel Rooms
YT 1 minute 42 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
มิสไทยแลนด์เวิลด์ 2013: Miss Thailand World 2013 heats up!
YT 48 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Samoa Air charges fat passengers by weight
YT 40 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Arrow to the knee: Leg injury on class field trip gone wrong
YT 1 minute 34 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Bikram Choudhury of Bikram Yoga accused of sexual harassment
YT 1 minute 34 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Lululemon asks see-through yoga pant owners to go into downward dog
YT 1 minute 40 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Mazo Nudie Beach in Wisconsin just became a WAY more lame.
YT 1 minute 45 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
IsAnyoneUp? Woman brushes teeth with feces for Hunter Moore
YT 5 minutes 2 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Why I'd hate to be Asian ... a response
YT 1 minute 35 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Groupon CEO Andrew Mason fired: can the daily deal site survive?
YT 1 minute 43 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Maker's Mark bourbon dilution disaster over!
YT 2 minutes 38 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Burger King Challenge: Can you taste the horse meat?!
YT 2 minutes 17 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Pirates of the Caribbean: Antigua threatens US over online gambling embargo
YT 2 minutes 14 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Cute kittens, cute cats targeted in New Zealand
YT 2 minutes 14 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Cute kittens, cute cats targeted in New Zealand
YT 2 minutes 18 seconds
TomoNews Funnies
Viral Neanderthal baby surrogate mother story isn't true