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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Wrestling with God

Wrestling with God 18000 subscribers    RSS
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YT 32 minutes 58 seconds
Wrestling with God
The New Testament Code | Robert Eisenman | James the Brother of Jesus
YT 41 minutes 27 seconds
Wrestling with God
The Dead Sea Scrolls | Robert Eisenman
YT 14 minutes 23 seconds
Wrestling with God
The Jesus Movement in Jerusalem | Zealous for the Law
YT 5 minutes 8 seconds
Wrestling with God
James the brother of Jesus | James Tabor and Robert Eisenman
YT 22 minutes 27 seconds
Wrestling with God
James vs Paul | Jewish Messianism and The Gospel to the Gentiles
YT 8 minutes 34 seconds
Wrestling with God
The Dead Sea War Scroll | The Brother of Jesus | The Temple Destruction
YT 8 minutes 14 seconds
Wrestling with God
James the Just | Brother of Jesus | The Mantle
YT 11 minutes 53 seconds
Wrestling with God
The Historical Jesus and the Heavenly Christ
YT 18 minutes 13 seconds
Wrestling with God
James the Just and Paul the Mystic | Professor Eisenman | Judaism and Hellenism
YT 16 minutes 32 seconds
Wrestling with God
Robert Eisenman | The Mashiach of James (Opposition) and The Christ of Paul (Accommodation)
YT 14 minutes 55 seconds
Wrestling with God
Christ is Jewish | Wrestling with History and Theology
YT 7 minutes 36 seconds
Wrestling with God
The Historical Jesus | The Roman Empire and Jewish Messianism
YT 11 minutes 17 seconds
Wrestling with God
The Secrets of Early Christianity | Discovering the History buried by the Myth | Dr. Eisenman
YT 2 hours 4 minutes 31 seconds
Wrestling with God
Secrets of the Scrolls | Robert Eisenman, James Tabor, Michael Wise