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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Iku Hoshifuri / 星降いく【Cosmia】

Iku Hoshifuri / 星降いく【Cosmia】 56300 subscribers    RSS
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YT 2 hours 28 minutes 23 seconds
Iku Hoshifuri / 星降いく【Cosmia】
【Member's Chat】Hey! Let's just chat today!【Cosmia】
YT 3 hours 56 minutes 41 seconds
Iku Hoshifuri / 星降いく【Cosmia】
【Fields of Mistria】I'm kind of enjoying the slow burn tbh...【Cosmia】
YT 5 hours 35 minutes 4 seconds
Iku Hoshifuri / 星降いく【Cosmia】
【Fields of Mistria】I have progressed a lot since you last saw me play...【Cosmia】
YT 5 hours 23 minutes 30 seconds
Iku Hoshifuri / 星降いく【Cosmia】
【Fields of Mistria】Farming dating sims are my calling!【Cosmia】