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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Leah Roseman

Leah Roseman 2450 subscribers    RSS
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YT 2 minutes 35 seconds
Leah Roseman
Soft landings Brush Stroke Violin Practice tip! #violinteacher
YT 6 minutes 11 seconds
Leah Roseman
How to Practice Scales: variations for string players
YT 3 minutes 43 seconds
Leah Roseman
Staccato tips! Create varied articulations with ease!
YT 6 minutes 41 seconds
Leah Roseman
Big Leaps: High Shifting Tips for string players! Accurately find notes! #violin
YT 1 minute 17 seconds
Leah Roseman
Building back up after injury: Leah practice diary March 28 2022
YT 6 minutes 21 seconds
Leah Roseman
Shifting with Sevcik op 8 number 1 #shifting #violin
YT 4 minutes 30 seconds
Leah Roseman
Harmonics on the Violin Natural and Artificial and Physics #violinharmonics
YT 2 minutes 17 seconds
Leah Roseman
Arpeggios: Geography of the Fingerboard advanced fun exercise #violinarpeggios
YT 3 minutes 29 seconds
Leah Roseman
How to Practice Octaves on the Violin
YT 3 minutes 3 seconds
Leah Roseman
Scales Enriched! (useful for all musicians, not just violin) #violinteacher #violintechnique
YT 2 minutes 44 seconds
Leah Roseman
3 note chords violin tutorial
YT 1 minute 20 seconds
Leah Roseman
Shifting up Fifths and Octaves #violinteacher #violintechnique
YT 1 minute 30 seconds
Leah Roseman
Whale Sounds Shifting for Violin
YT 5 minutes 42 seconds
Leah Roseman
Stage Fright Advice
YT 2 minutes 18 seconds
Leah Roseman
Practice tips with Firebird excerpt
YT 3 minutes 22 seconds
Leah Roseman
Different types of Pizzicato on the violin
YT 2 minutes 5 seconds
Leah Roseman
Tyrolese Song by Geringas with Practice Tips!
YT 2 minutes 39 seconds
Leah Roseman
Double-Stops Warmups Beginners
YT 2 minutes 38 seconds
Leah Roseman
Playing Chords on the Violin: Avoid this Bad Habit! #violinteacher
YT 17 minutes 52 seconds
Leah Roseman
Intonation Pitfalls Enriched
YT 2 minutes 10 seconds
Leah Roseman
Miming with the Left Hand
YT 1 minute 40 seconds
Leah Roseman
Lift and travel! Bowing tips
YT 1 minute 16 seconds
Leah Roseman
Warmup 1 #violinpracticetip #violin warmup #violin exercises
YT 2 minutes 19 seconds
Leah Roseman
Violin Technique dealing with Tension Problems #violinteacher #violintechnique
YT 2 minutes 56 seconds
Leah Roseman
Intonation Pitfall 22 Chromatics
YT 2 minutes 38 seconds
Leah Roseman
How to Practice Double Stops #violinteacher #violintechnique
YT 3 minutes 12 seconds
Leah Roseman
Diminished 7ths Exercise Violin with free PDF
YT 1 minute 53 seconds
Leah Roseman
Dancing at the Frog: 4 exercises to try
YT 2 minutes 8 seconds
Leah Roseman
Intonation Pitfall 21: Priority Note
YT 1 minute 49 seconds
Leah Roseman
Playing at the Frog: Extend the Runway!
YT 1 minute 50 seconds
Leah Roseman
Miming with your Bow Arm
YT 1 minute 19 seconds
Leah Roseman
Unisons Exercise
YT 1 minute 36 seconds
Leah Roseman
Circle of Fifths Violin: Advanced Version
YT 1 minute 36 seconds
Leah Roseman
Advanced Circle of Fifths on Violin
YT 41 seconds
Leah Roseman
Warmup 5 Playing Around Fifths
YT 1 minute 45 seconds
Leah Roseman
Intonation Pitfall 20: Driving on the Shoulder #violinteacher
YT 1 minute 52 seconds
Leah Roseman
Intonation Pitfall 19 Perfect Intervals
YT 2 minutes 3 seconds
Leah Roseman
My Favourite Practice Tip: Slurred With Repetitions!
YT 48 seconds
Leah Roseman
Intonation Pitfall 18 of my series: Contractions
YT 2 minutes 1 second
Leah Roseman
Circle of Fifths on Violin
YT 49 seconds
Leah Roseman
Importance of Warming up: Intonation Pitfall 17
YT 53 seconds
Leah Roseman
Violin Intonation Pitfall 16: Fix the Approach! #violinteacher #violintechnique
YT 1 minute 58 seconds
Leah Roseman
Fingering chart and Beginner Chromatic Exercise
YT 46 seconds
Leah Roseman
Intonation Pitfall 15: hand position in chords
YT 55 seconds
Leah Roseman
Intonation Pitfall 14: left-hand tension
YT 8 minutes 52 seconds
Leah Roseman
Violin Beginners Introduction
YT 1 minute 25 seconds
Leah Roseman
Violin Bow Hold
YT 32 seconds
Leah Roseman
More advanced Scale variations
YT 39 seconds
Leah Roseman
Intonation Pitfall 13 of My Series
YT 2 minutes 5 seconds
Leah Roseman
Violin Shoulder and Chin Rests setup
YT 45 seconds
Leah Roseman
Intonation Pitfall 12
YT 33 seconds
Leah Roseman
Intonation Pitfall 11: Enjoy the view
YT 46 seconds
Leah Roseman
Intonation Pitfall 10
YT 49 seconds
Leah Roseman
Violin Technique: shifting and intonation #violinteacher
YT 51 seconds
Leah Roseman
Intonation Pitfall 8
YT 47 seconds
Leah Roseman
Violin Warmup 4 #violintechnique #violinteacher
YT 49 seconds
Leah Roseman
Intonation Pitfall 7: Pitch Matching #violinteacher #intonation
YT 46 seconds
Leah Roseman
Playing with ⅞
YT 55 seconds
Leah Roseman
Intonation Pitfall 6: Not Recording Yourself often enough! #violinteacher
YT 54 seconds
Leah Roseman
Trill tips 1
YT 49 seconds
Leah Roseman
Intonation Pitfall 5: Tritones #violinteacher #violinpracticetip
YT 43 seconds
Leah Roseman
Intonation Pitfall 4: Implied Double Stops #violin intonation problems
YT 51 seconds
Leah Roseman
Intonation Pitfall 3: Busy Hand #violinteacher #violinpracticetip #violintechnique
YT 47 seconds
Leah Roseman
Intonation pitfall 2: wrist position #violinteacher
YT 57 seconds
Leah Roseman
Intonation Pitfall 1 #violin intonation problems #violin intonation tips #intonation pitfalls
YT 2 minutes 50 seconds
Leah Roseman
Marcato Trory study
YT 2 minutes 31 seconds
Leah Roseman
Vibrato Enriched for Violin and Viola #violinteacher
YT 46 seconds
Leah Roseman
Pinky strength and flexibility #violin left hand pinky #violin left hand exercises
YT 43 seconds
Leah Roseman
Vibrato Quick tip: Wrist control
YT 25 seconds
Leah Roseman
#shorts Fun Arpeggios 1
YT 38 seconds
Leah Roseman
#shorts scale geography
YT 43 seconds
Leah Roseman
Mixed Meters fun tips #violinpracticetip
YT 23 seconds
Leah Roseman
Fun Scale mix 1
YT 1 minute 20 seconds
Leah Roseman
Transposition Trick Practice Tip
YT 1 minute 12 seconds
Leah Roseman
Violin Technique: Scales with "Geography" of Your Fingerboard #violinteacher #violintechnique
YT 42 seconds
Leah Roseman
Vibrato tip 1 Finger placement
YT 1 minute 43 seconds
Leah Roseman
One of my favourite practice tips (for all musicians)! What's SWR? #violinteacher
YT 2 minutes 15 seconds
Leah Roseman
Vibrato Mixed Rhythms
YT 1 minute 48 seconds
Leah Roseman
Bariolage repeated string crossing #bariolage technique #fast string crossing violin
YT 56 seconds
Leah Roseman
Sautillé how-to short video
YT 53 seconds
Leah Roseman
Spiccato quick tip: hand arm mix
YT 49 seconds
Leah Roseman
Figure 8 bowing
YT 1 minute 26 seconds
Leah Roseman
Bowing Tip: Uneven Bach "Z" bowing
YT 2 minutes 10 seconds
Leah Roseman
YT 2 minutes 22 seconds
Leah Roseman
Bow Changes at the Frog #smoothbowchangesviolin
YT 1 minute 47 seconds
Leah Roseman
High shifting by Laddering
YT 1 minute 50 seconds
Leah Roseman
Shifting Up and Beyond!
YT 1 minute 29 seconds
Leah Roseman
Shifting Target Practice
YT 1 minute 56 seconds
Leah Roseman
Fingered Octaves
YT 2 minutes 18 seconds
Leah Roseman
Collé stroke
YT 2 minutes 6 seconds
Leah Roseman
Focus Flower
YT 2 minutes 43 seconds
Leah Roseman
#musicpracticetip: Streaks and symbols practice calendar
YT 3 minutes 33 seconds
Leah Roseman
#musicpracticetip: Playing with variables
YT 1 minute 41 seconds
Leah Roseman
#scaletips: Scale (arpeggio) Variations 2
YT 2 minutes 4 seconds
Leah Roseman
#scaletips: Scale Variations 1 #variations on a scale #violin practice routines
YT 1 minute 44 seconds
Leah Roseman
Importance of Arm Weight
YT 2 minutes 38 seconds
Leah Roseman
Fussy Fabulous Fourths: Violin Double-Stops tips! #violinteacher
YT 3 minutes 53 seconds
Leah Roseman
Spiccato and Sautillé explained
YT 2 minutes
Leah Roseman
Spiccato help: Flexible Joints
YT 2 minutes 32 seconds
Leah Roseman
Scale tips Bow speed
YT 3 minutes 33 seconds
Leah Roseman
Spiccato Ricochet Beginner scale variations #violin bowing exercises
YT 1 minute 52 seconds
Leah Roseman
Left hand pressure question #violin left hand tension #violin tips and tricks
YT 2 minutes 27 seconds
Leah Roseman
Practice diary April 13 2022: Tips for musicians
YT 3 minutes 11 seconds
Leah Roseman
Practice Diary with tips! April 25 2022
YT 1 minute 39 seconds
Leah Roseman
Left Hand Tips: Leah's Practice Diary
YT 1 minute 46 seconds
Leah Roseman
#violinwarmups: Warmup 3 #violin practice routines #violin lessons
YT 52 seconds
Leah Roseman
#violinwarmups: Warmup 2