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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Lydia Kavina

Lydia Kavina 2650 subscribers    RSS
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YT 29 minutes 30 seconds
Терменвокс. К 100-летию изобретения музыкального инструмента. Лекция Лидии Кавиной
YT 8 minutes
Classic FM
How The Theremin Works | Discover Instruments | Classic FM
YT 5 minutes 38 seconds
Андрей Попов
Andrew Popoff - The Sagebrush
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 7 minutes 53 seconds
Lydia Kavina - Topic
Bird of Paradise
YT 3 minutes 43 seconds
Lydia Kavina - Topic
YT 35 minutes 47 seconds
vladimir kuzmin
Интервью с Лидией Кавиной о терменвоксе и не только.
YT 20 minutes 2 seconds
Franz Bannwart
Junghae Lee (*1964) Sorimuni 4 (2018, Uraufführung)
YT 2 minutes 44 seconds
Improvisation by Lydia Kavina (theremin) and Thomas Bloch (glass armonica)
YT 16 minutes 36 seconds
Lydia Kavina - "Fantasia for Theremin, Oboe, Piano, and String Quartet" by Bohuslav Martinů
YT 8 minutes 15 seconds
Alexander Ivashkin
Schnittke. Concerto for Electric Instruments. Part 1
YT 2 minutes 41 seconds
『テルミン』~クラシックって楽しいな!(珍楽器にまつわるエトセトラ)/Theremin/Lydia Kavina/unique instruments
YT 7 minutes 34 seconds
Jorge Campos
Glissandi de Jorge Campos - Lydia Kavina Theremin
YT 9 minutes 18 seconds
TEDx Talks
The new old theremin: Lydia Kavina at TEDxGhent
YT 3 minutes 40 seconds
Thermini Mode Setting
YT 6 minutes 5 seconds
Alexey Chizhik
Bolero for Theremin, Vibraphone and bass. St.Petersburg ThereminFest Russia.
YT 18 minutes 10 seconds
L wow
Богуслав Мартину Фантазия для терменвокса, гобоя, струнного квартета и фортепиано. Исполнители:
YT 4 minutes 51 seconds
Chris Maukonen
Theremin Lydia Kavina plays Claire de Lune
YT 47 minutes 10 seconds
Sound On Sound magazine
SFUK 2023 - From Leon Theremin to Bob Moog
YT 3 minutes 22 seconds
"Wo ist Erkan Deriduk?" D 1995, 10 Min., Ausschnitt
YT 1 minute 44 seconds
Bate Collection
Lydia Kavina Oxford Time at New College Oxford