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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Tim Shoebridge

Tim Shoebridge 33500 subscribers    RSS
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YT 1 hour 40 minutes 32 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
Dreadbox Murmux III "Adept" : Almost Perfect?
YT 52 minutes 21 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
Dreadbox Nymphes
YT 34 minutes 33 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
NymphCC MIDI Controller for Dreadbox NYMPHES
YT 31 minutes 13 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
NymphCV CV Expander for Dreadbox NYMPHES
YT 5 minutes 35 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
(And then there were) Three Dreadbox Typhons
YT 27 minutes 35 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
Dreadbox Typhon - My 5 Favourite Things!
YT 49 minutes 27 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
Dreadbox Typhon
YT 9 minutes 53 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
Patching Idea : Dreadbox Typhon
YT 6 minutes 20 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
Introducing the NYX v2 Analog Synthesizer from Dreadbox
YT 6 minutes 31 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
Dreadbox Erebus v3 : "Tick Tock"
YT 25 minutes 20 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
Thoughts on the Dreadbox Erebus v3 - Oscillators & Filter
YT 24 minutes 3 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
Thoughts on the Dreadbox Erebus v3 - Triple Ring
YT 26 minutes 25 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
Thoughts on the Dreadbox Erebus v3 - Patching
YT 2 minutes 57 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
Dreadbox Erebus v3 playing 3 note paraphonic !!
YT 3 minutes 30 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
Dreadbox Love - Abyss, Erebus and Nyx
YT 2 minutes 59 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
Dreadbox NYX v2 demo track in 4K