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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Tim Shoebridge

Tim Shoebridge 33500 subscribers    RSS
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YT 6 minutes 8 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
Jamming on a 15 year old, half broken Yamaha Motif XS!
YT 3 minutes 43 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
Modular Is For Non Musicians
YT 6 minutes 31 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
Dreadbox Erebus v3 : "Tick Tock"
YT 5 minutes 54 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
COVID19 : Countdown
YT 6 minutes 12 seconds
Truth Seekers' Anthem
YT 3 minutes 30 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
New Year's Noodle with the Dave Smith Instruments OB-6
YT 5 minutes 40 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
Novation Peak - Day One
YT 2 minutes 59 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
Dreadbox NYX v2 demo track in 4K
YT 5 minutes 35 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
(And then there were) Three Dreadbox Typhons
YT 5 minutes 56 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
Ambient Joystick Jam! Behringer System 55 Modules + Erica Synths Joystick II & Black Hole DSP II
YT 4 minutes 25 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
"With Me" - Music Video
YT 5 minutes 11 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
For my Dad
YT 6 minutes 55 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
The Catalyst
YT 5 minutes 35 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
YT 6 minutes 13 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
Subharmonicon Midnight Jam
YT 3 minutes 10 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
Syntrx Ambient RingMod Demo
YT 8 minutes 10 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
Deckard's Dream and Moog Matriarch Sound Demo
YT 4 minutes 30 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
YT 8 minutes 41 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
Novation Peak - Day Two
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 15 minutes 14 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
YT 3 minutes 42 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
Making Nord Waves Too
YT 37 minutes 27 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
YT 6 minutes 48 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
Novation Peak - Mega Sequence Madness!
YT 6 minutes 6 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
Novation Peak Chilled
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 3 minutes 22 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
"Nice Weather for Ducks" | Fujifilm X-H1
YT 4 minutes 5 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
Novation Peak | Superhero
YT 2 minutes 57 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
Dreadbox Erebus v3 playing 3 note paraphonic !!
YT 2 minutes 46 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
Moog Matriarch Bitesize #1 : "Swell"
YT 4 minutes 20 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
Westworld Scoring Competition 2020
YT 6 minutes 35 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
"KALEIDOSCOPE" - A Demo Track for Waldorf Quantum & Iridium
YT 2 minutes 30 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
First Contact with the VERY INTRIGUING Moog Subharmonicon!
YT 6 minutes 46 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
Spitfire Audio Contemporary Drama Toolkit meets Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020!
YT 4 minutes 9 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
COVID 19 : Loss
YT 8 minutes 17 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
Moog Matriarch meets Spitfire Audio BBC SO
YT 3 minutes 1 second
Tim Shoebridge
Postcard from Syria
YT 3 minutes 37 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
Postcard from Kefalonia
YT 4 minutes 30 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
Postcard From Croatia
YT 6 minutes 18 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
Dave Smith DSI Evolver
YT 7 minutes 5 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
KORG Mono/Poly - First Contact (no talking)
YT 4 minutes 41 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
Descent | Dreadbox Nyx and MakeNoise 0-Coast
YT 3 minutes 30 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
Dreadbox Love - Abyss, Erebus and Nyx
YT 30 minutes 34 seconds
Tim Shoebridge
The Future..?