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Invidious (YT)

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YT 1 hour 54 minutes 50 seconds
New England Conservatory
How to write a song with Lake Street Dive
YT 12 minutes 57 seconds
How To Be Creative: How an Artist Turns Pro
YT 26 minutes 51 seconds
Hit Songs Deconstructed
Hit Songs Deconstructed at Berklee College of Music - Top 10 Deconstructed
YT 19 minutes 56 seconds
TEDx Talks
How Writing Songs in 60 Minutes Changed my Life: Judith Avers at TEDxLewisburg
YT 11 minutes 49 seconds
TEDx Talks
The Recipe Of A Hit Song | Noah Askin | TEDxINSEADSingapore
YT 9 minutes 30 seconds
TEDx Talks
Transforming Noise Into Music | Jackson Jhin | TEDxUND
YT 5 minutes 10 seconds
Holistic Songwriting
Do THIS with every song you write | Hit Song Architect S1E3