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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Steven Wang

Steven Wang 356 subscribers    RSS
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YT 9 minutes 10 seconds
Quantum mechanics and the double slit experiment
YT 17 minutes 33 seconds
Sabine Hossenfelder
I don't believe the 2nd law of thermodynamics. (The most uplifting video I'll ever make.)
YT 25 minutes 9 seconds
Sabine Hossenfelder
Why is quantum mechanics non-local? (I wish someone had told me this 20 years ago.)
YT 20 minutes 33 seconds
PBS Space Time
Why Did Quantum Entanglement Win the Nobel Prize in Physics?
YT 9 minutes 16 seconds
Quantum Entanglement & Spooky Action at a Distance
YT 7 minutes 18 seconds
Scientific American
Quantum Entanglement Lab - by Scientific American
YT 1 hour 56 minutes 44 seconds
Progress - Science Documentaries
Quantum Physics: The Science That Defies All Logic | Secrets Of Quantum Physics | Progress