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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Davie McPhail

Davie McPhail 124000 subscribers    RSS
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YT 11 minutes 59 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying the Shipmans Buzzers with Davie McPhail.
YT 8 minutes 38 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying a River Ayr Wet Fly By Davie McPhail.
YT 5 minutes 45 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying a Claret Bob's Bits with Davie McPhail.
YT 7 minutes 17 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying an Olive Spider (Wet Fly) by Davie McPhail.
YT 6 minutes 41 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying the Electric Blue Buzzer Midge by Davie McPhail
YT 8 minutes 37 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying a Pheasant Tail Nymph by Davie McPhail
YT 11 minutes 13 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying the Pearly Griffiths Gnat & Cow Dung with Davie McPhail.
YT 14 minutes 36 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying 3 Micro Glint Nymph Patterns by Davie McPhail
YT 7 minutes 48 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying the Mulraney Pig (Wet Fly) with Davie McPhail.
YT 7 minutes 37 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying a Black Pennell (Variant) by Davie McPhail...
YT 6 minutes 44 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying the Coch-Y-Bondhu with Davie McPhail
YT 13 minutes 15 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying a Red Tag Wet & Dry with Davie McPhail.
YT 9 minutes 57 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying the Goats Toe with Davie McPhail
YT 8 minutes 48 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying the Cove's Pheasant Tail Nymph with Davie McPhail
YT 7 minutes 31 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying the Pheasant Tail Midge Pupa by Davie McPhail
YT 42 seconds
Davie McPhail
How to form knots on Pheasant Tail fibres using a 1.5mm Crochet Hook by Davie McPhail
YT 2 minutes 11 seconds
Davie McPhail
How to Whip Finish a Fly using a Matarelli Whip Finishing Tool by Davie McPhail
YT 1 minute 39 seconds
Davie McPhail
How to Whip Finish a Fly by Hand with Davie McPhail
YT 6 minutes 13 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying the John Storey Dry Fly with Davie McPhail
YT 8 minutes 9 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying a Grey Turkey & Pheasant Tail Nymph with Davie McPhail
YT 13 minutes 24 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying Three Killer Nymph Patterns by Davie McPhail
YT 10 minutes 48 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying a Black Pennell with Davie McPhail
YT 5 minutes 58 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying a Orange & Peacock Spider Wet Fly by Davie McPhail
YT 7 minutes 48 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying a Pennell DuckFly by Davie McPhail
YT 7 minutes 30 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying the Poacher WetFly with Davie McPhail
YT 5 minutes 39 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying the Partridge & Orange Soft Hackle/Wet Fly with Davie McPha
YT 7 minutes 54 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying a Borders Greenwels Spider (DryFly) with Davie McPhail
YT 7 minutes 35 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying a Yellow Owl Emerger/Dry Fly with Davie McPhail
YT 9 minutes 48 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying the Ninja Diawl-Bach by Davie McPhail
YT 7 minutes 18 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying a KeHe & Grouse Soft Hackle Wet Fly by Davie McPhail
YT 5 minutes 25 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying a Woodcock & Hare's Lug Spider (Wet Fly) by Davie McPhail
YT 10 minutes 2 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying a Elastic Caddis Pupa by Davie McPhail
YT 13 minutes 33 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying my Best All Round Nymph Patterns by Davie McPhail
YT 6 minutes 45 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying a Partridge & Orange (Using Up your Large Hackles) by Davie McPhail
YT 12 minutes 47 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying a Hare's Ear Nymph with Davie McPhail
YT 7 minutes 24 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying a Blue Dun Spider by Davie McPhail
YT 9 minutes 54 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying my Favourite Pheasant Tail Nymphs by Davie McPhail
YT 7 minutes 42 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying Murray's Bluebottle (Variant) with Davie McPhail