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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Davie McPhail

Davie McPhail 124000 subscribers    RSS
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YT 11 minutes 13 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying a Baltic Shrimp Seatrout Fly with Davie McPhail
YT 12 minutes 56 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying a Small Bait Fish Pattern with Davie McPhail
YT 11 minutes 53 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying an Olive Sculpin with Davie McPhail
YT 9 minutes 13 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying a Saltwater Fly by Davie McPhail
YT 25 minutes 8 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying a Saltwater Fly by Davie McPhail
YT 20 minutes 2 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying a Pattegrisen Shrimp variant with Davie McPhail
YT 17 minutes 11 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying the Lite-Brite Shrimp (Saltwater Fly) by Davie McPhail.
YT 10 minutes 26 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying a Conehead Shrimp Saltwater Fly by Davie McPhail
YT 15 minutes 5 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying a Bunny Leech with Davie McPhail
YT 7 minutes 26 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying a Brown Leach Pattern by Davie McPhail
YT 9 minutes 49 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying the Blue Elver (Sea Trout Fly) with Davie McPhail
YT 15 minutes 41 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying the Sweeny Todd Streamer with Davie McPhail
YT 22 minutes 1 second
Davie McPhail
Tying a Saltwater Turbo Disc Tube Fly by Davie McPhail
YT 17 minutes 11 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying a Blue Jay Matuka Fly by Davie McPhail
YT 12 minutes 22 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying a Gotcha (Bonefish Shrimp Fly) with Davie McPhail
YT 12 minutes 22 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying a Bitters Orange Crab/Urchin Pattern with Davie McPhail
YT 17 minutes 31 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying the FNF Floating Fry with Davie McPhail
YT 10 minutes 34 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying a Chartreuse Baitfish Fly with Davie McPhail
YT 12 minutes 58 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying a Tarpon Bunny with Davie McPhail
YT 13 minutes 8 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying a Black Gurgler (Surface Lure) with Davie McPhail
YT 13 minutes 15 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying the Creeper Shrimp a Saltwater Seatrout Fly by Davie McPhail
YT 12 minutes 7 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying a Shannons Terror Seatrout Fly with Davie McPhail
YT 10 minutes 41 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying a Robbies Terror Seatrout Fly with Davie McPhail
YT 13 minutes 40 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying a Mixed Bodies International Dabbler by Davie McPhail
YT 13 minutes 8 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying the Blue Elver Seatrout Fly with Davie McPhail
YT 16 minutes 43 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying the Baltic Coq de Leon Shrimp by Davie McPhail
YT 13 minutes 6 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying a Clouser Minnow with Davie McPhail
YT 17 minutes 43 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying Rogan's Gadget (Variant) with Davie McPhail
YT 14 minutes 37 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying a Small Bait Fish Pattern with Davie McPhail
YT 20 minutes 10 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying a Flatwing Sandeel Pattern with Davie McPhail
YT 13 minutes 33 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying a Super Stretch Shrimp/Squid Saltwater Fly by Davie McPhail
YT 12 minutes 11 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying a Peacock Butcher Wet Fly with Davie McPhail
YT 11 minutes 18 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying a Saltwater Seatrout Fly The Racoon with Davie McPhail
YT 10 minutes 50 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying Rogan's Gosling Seatrout Fly with Davie McPhail
YT 17 minutes 12 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying the Mayfly Shrimp Seatrout Fly by Davie McPhail
YT 14 minutes 51 seconds
Davie McPhail
A Top Winter Lure Pattern for Small to Large Trout Fisheries..
YT 9 minutes 39 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying a Pink Nasty Hooligan with Davie McPhail
YT 20 minutes 32 seconds
Davie McPhail
Tying a Predator9 Ragworm Snake by Davie McPhail