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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Leo Isikdogan

Leo Isikdogan 27100 subscribers    RSS
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YT 2 minutes 1 second
Leo Isikdogan
Deep Learning Crash Course: Introduction
YT 10 minutes 7 seconds
Leo Isikdogan
Artificial Neural Networks Demystified
YT 10 minutes 4 seconds
Leo Isikdogan
Artificial Neural Networks: Going Deeper
YT 9 minutes 7 seconds
Leo Isikdogan
Overfitting, Underfitting, and Model Capacity
YT 8 minutes 9 seconds
Leo Isikdogan
Regularization and Data Augmentation
YT 9 minutes 55 seconds
Leo Isikdogan
Data Collection and Preprocessing
YT 14 minutes 31 seconds
Leo Isikdogan
Convolutional Neural Networks Explained
YT 11 minutes 47 seconds
Leo Isikdogan
How to Design a Convolutional Neural Network
YT 6 minutes 47 seconds
Leo Isikdogan
Transfer Learning
YT 10 minutes 16 seconds
Leo Isikdogan
Optimization Tricks: momentum, batch-norm, and more
YT 7 minutes 46 seconds
Leo Isikdogan
Recurrent Neural Networks
YT 10 minutes 10 seconds
Leo Isikdogan
Deep Unsupervised Learning
YT 6 minutes 4 seconds
Leo Isikdogan
Generative Adversarial Networks
YT 6 minutes 57 seconds
Leo Isikdogan
Practical Methodology in Deep Learning
YT 10 minutes 6 seconds
Leo Isikdogan
Network Architecture Search: AutoML and others
YT 9 minutes 45 seconds
Leo Isikdogan
How to Design a Neural Network | 2020 Edition
YT 16 minutes 2 seconds
Leo Isikdogan
How to Train Neural Networks Fast and Efficiently | Tutorial
YT 5 minutes 40 seconds
Leo Isikdogan
Multi-Task Learning | Explained in 5 Minutes
YT 9 minutes 17 seconds
Leo Isikdogan
How Diffusion Models Work