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YT 13 minutes 30 seconds
The Thunderbolts Project
Buddy James: Magnetohydrodynamics | Thunderbolts
YT 14 minutes 44 seconds
The Thunderbolts Project
Donald E. Scott: Probing Parker's Solar Probe Data | Thunderbolts
YT 18 minutes 32 seconds
Voltage increase to infinity - Tesla Tech
YT 9 minutes 52 seconds
Don Scott's Birkeland currents - Tesla Tech
YT 16 minutes 29 seconds
The Thunderbolts Project
Donald E. Scott: Revisiting NASA’s Parker Solar Probe | Thunderbolts
YT 52 minutes 32 seconds
The Thunderbolts Project
Donald E. Scott: Electric Solar Wind | EU2016
YT 55 minutes 10 seconds
The Thunderbolts Project
Donald E. Scott: Modeling Birkeland Currents, Part 1 | EU Workshop
YT 16 minutes 58 seconds
The Thunderbolts Project
Michael Armstrong: What is Time? | Space News
YT 11 minutes 6 seconds
The Thunderbolts Project
The Mystery of Consciousness | Interview with Dr. Michael Clarage
YT 15 minutes 33 seconds
The Thunderbolts Project
Michael Clarage: Electrical Form and Function | Thunderbolts
YT 10 minutes 8 seconds
The Thunderbolts Project
Gareth Samuel: Halton Arp Quasar Model Verified | Thunderbolts
YT 12 minutes 17 seconds
The Thunderbolts Project
Gareth Samuel: Muon Data Breaks Particle Physics | Thunderbolts
YT 10 minutes 22 seconds
The Thunderbolts Project
Donald E. Scott: IBEX—Breaking News | Thunderbolts
YT 23 minutes 10 seconds
The Thunderbolts Project
Wal Thornhill: JWST & Stellar Discovery | Thunderbolts
YT 18 minutes 21 seconds
The Thunderbolts Project
Wal Thornhill: JWST & Fundamental Change | Thunderbolts
YT 12 minutes 31 seconds
A Tribute To Halton Arp Who Proved Hubble Correct About The Redshift Not Always Relating To The Dopp
YT 1 hour 3 minutes 52 seconds
The Thunderbolts Project
Thunderbolts of the Gods | Official Movie
YT 53 minutes 20 seconds
Universe - Episode 1 - The Cosmology Quest - The Electric Universe and Plasma Physics
YT 54 minutes 31 seconds
Universe - Episode 2 - The Cosmology Quest - The Electric Universe and Plasma Physics
YT 15 minutes
The Electric Universe - Wal Thornhill NPA Lecture - 1 of 2
YT 15 minutes 1 second
The Electric Universe - Wal Thornhill NPA Lecture - 2 of 2
YT 1 hour 17 seconds
The Big Bang Proven Wrong by Halton Arp on the Intrinsic Red Shift
YT 40 minutes 50 seconds
Exposing the Myths of Settled Science
YT 10 minutes 25 seconds
The Cosmic Thunderbolt - Electric Universe and Plasma Physics
YT 9 minutes 16 seconds
The Farthest Man Has Ever Seen - Hubble Deep Field Space Images
YT 1 hour 1 minute 56 seconds
Plasma Physics' Answers to the New Cosmological Questions by Dr. Donald E. Scott
YT 11 minutes 1 second
Thunderbolts - Human Metabolism Meets Cosmic Metabolism James Oschman (HD)
YT 13 minutes 21 seconds
Electricity in Space - Information they don't want you to know about - The Electric Universe
YT 7 minutes 29 seconds
Big Bang Scandal Continues As Secular Science Ignores The Evidence Against It
YT 6 minutes 56 seconds
Changes in Radioactive Decay Startles Physicists - Space News
YT 1 hour 43 minutes 4 seconds
The Electric Universe - Chuck Missler
YT 1 hour 49 minutes 39 seconds
Free Energy the Race to Zero Point
YT 1 hour 10 minutes 33 seconds
Tesla Tech - Zero-Point Energy Extraction from the Quantum Vacuum - Tom Valone
YT 1 hour 23 minutes 58 seconds
The Thunderbolts Project
Symbols of an Alien Sky, Episode 2: The Lightning-Scarred Planet Mars
YT 1 hour 28 minutes 54 seconds
The Thunderbolts Project
Symbols of an Alien Sky, Episode 3: The Electric Comet
YT 1 hour 18 minutes 26 seconds
The Thunderbolts Project
Symbols of an Alien Sky (Full Documentary)