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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > PyCon Israel

PyCon Israel 3570 subscribers    RSS
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YT 16 minutes 48 seconds
PyCon Israel
Network Analysis with Python by Orsolya Vasarhelyi
YT 22 minutes 45 seconds
PyCon Israel
Wrestling Python into LLVM Intermediate Representation by Anna Herlihy
YT 16 minutes 17 seconds
PyCon Israel
Algorithms to Sample From Streams - Reservoir Sampling & Variants by Jonathan Arfa
YT 22 minutes 5 seconds
PyCon Israel
Pandas - not just for data scientists by Uzi Halaby-Senerman
YT 21 minutes 48 seconds
PyCon Israel
From Experimentation to Production: Pandas and Sci-Kit learn on Azure ML by Ari Bornstein
YT 20 minutes 53 seconds
PyCon Israel
How to Study Evolution Using Scientific Python by Yoav Ram
YT 29 minutes 55 seconds
PyCon Israel
Poetry in Python: Using Markov Chains to Generate Texts by Omer Nevo
YT 30 minutes 51 seconds
PyCon Israel
If They Build It… They will code...(lessons from a school coding club) by Rony Sheer