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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Jay Bates

Jay Bates 689000 subscribers    RSS
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YT 24 minutes 58 seconds
Jay Bates
30x40 Shop Part 1: The Structure - 320
YT 12 minutes 35 seconds
Jay Bates
30×40 Shop Part 2: Moving The Tools - 321
YT 19 minutes
Jay Bates
30×40 Shop Part 3: Tool Layout - 322
YT 10 minutes 11 seconds
Jay Bates
30×40 Shop Part 4: Framing, Insulation, Wall Sheathing - 323
YT 27 minutes 23 seconds
Jay Bates
30×40 Shop Part 5: Electrical, Lighting, and Security - 324
YT 28 minutes 46 seconds
Jay Bates
30×40 Shop Part 6: Dust Collection - 325
YT 15 minutes 24 seconds
Jay Bates
30×40 Shop Part 7: Climate Control Overview - 326
YT 1 hour 13 minutes 27 seconds
Jay Bates
Woodshop Tour - after 9ish years in business - 366